- #3 in Best Technology Jobs in 2023 - Rooted in science: more than 20 years of research on IT - Proven in practice: Real IT companies as the partners of the program - Campus is located in one of the "IT-capitals" of Russia - The curriculum combines core classes with electives to give you a strong foundation along with the freedom to pursue the courses that interest you
IT-Management (ИТ-менеджмент)
Магистратура, Институт компьютерных технологий и информационной безопасности
09.04.01 Информатика и вычислительная техника
бюджетных мест по очной форме: 3
коммерческих мест по очной форме: 12
2 года; Есть возможность дистанционного обучения
Обучение на английском
Кого и зачем учат по данной программе?
The master's program is focused on training project managers in the field of information technology including: candidates for leadership positions in the field of high technologies and IT, middle and senior managers; • project managers; • leading software developers (Senior developer); • IT project managers; • Internet project managers; • IT director
Подготовка к вступительным экзаменам
Не проводится
Набор базовых дисциплин
- Psychology of personal resource management (5 credits) Financial management (5 credits) Big Data technology (5 credits) Cybersecurity (5 credits) Software and Hardware for information systems (5 credits) Professional and Academic Communication in Computer Science (12 credits)
Набор профильных дисциплин
- Risk management in IT-projects (5 credits) IT-project management (5 credits) Enterprise IT infrastructure (6 credits) System integration and corporate information systems (7 credits) Agile project management (6 credits)
The curriculum has been developed to get students ready to both business and IT backgrounds to meet current market needs for CIOs and other tech visionaries. Educational process on the program involves a group of the specialized disciplines and a project-oriented approach for the intensive mastering of the course. Project-based courses and hands-on learning opportunities help equip students to help organisations to solve complex business issues with advanced technology solutions.
With their in-depth entrepreneurial and management skills, «IT management» graduates have excellent prospects in a wide range of careers including technology management, IT consulting, change or project management, and business analysis.
Партнеры программы и работодатели
Места проведения практик
- Oggetto Web
- Inostudio Solution
- Distillery
- Southern Federal University
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Зачиняев Юрий Владимирович
Руководитель программы
Зачиняев Юрий Владимирович