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Yuriy Vladimirovich Zachinyaev 

+7(863) 437-19-02

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

  • Fiber-optic based radio technic devices research
  • Fiber optic telecommunication systems
  • Secure telecommunications

Research projects:

  1. Development of the stable algorithm for the detection and classification of informative multifaceted features of a three-dimensional scene under a priori unknown and changing observation conditions for visual navigation of mobile robots, 2017
  2. The project # 16 16-37-00015\16  "Development of theoretical, scientific and practical bases of construction of fiber-optic-based radio signal shapers" supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (2016 yr.)
  3. The project # 213.01-11/2014-9 "Integration of the quantum cryptography and identification analysis technologies into the secured telecommunication systems"  supported by the  Ministry of Education and Sience (2014-2015 yr.)



  • Design of the secured telecommunication systems
    The course is covering a range of issues related to the analysis of construction priciples and design of modern secured telecommunication systems and technical operation under conditions of high information security requirements.
  • Devices and methods of the information security
    The course is covering a range of issues related to the practical implementation of the principles and approaches to the technical protection of information and information security.
  • Professional And Academic Communication In Computer Science
    Course aims: to develop the knowledge and skills required to carry out academic and professional communication in foreign languages, cross-cultural interaction, as well as to present the results of scientific activity in the form of analytical reviews in accordance with the rules established in the professional sphere. Objectives: - to form a detailed understanding of the principles of professional and academic business communication in foreign languages in the scientific community; - develop skills in translating scientific texts from foreign languages to Russian and back, as well as the principles of analyzing and annotating scientific texts in the specialty in foreign languages; ; to form a comprehensive review of the structure and characteristics of writing aka is conferred an academic letters of the English language, including stylistic, genre, language and grammatical features ; to develop skills of writing scientific articles in foreign languages in accordance with the norms of academic writing, as well as standards, regulations and rules used in professional field.
  • Computer Science
    The aim of the "Computer Science" course is the development of students basic knowledge in the field of presentation, transmission, transformation, storage and protection of various types of information, the use of modern methods and means of information and communication technologies in the educational process and further professional activities, as well as the satisfaction of needs of a personality in intellectual growth. Objectives: - getting of basic knowledge in the field of information theory, information processes and systems, methods of digital presentation of information; - studying the basics of hardware and software for information and communication technologies; - mastering the practical skills of applying information and communication technologies to solve professional problems.
  • Research project IBTKS 1 (2)
    The aims of the discipline Research project IBTKS 1 (2) are the development of students' skills in creative scientific activity, the activation of independent work, building of skills for independent theoretical and experimental research, the choice of an individual educational trajectory within the framework of special training, the formation of an information and scientific base for completing the final qualification work.