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Nanotechnology and microsystem technology

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Faculty of Physics

28.03.01 Nanotechnology and microsystem technology

Purpose of this educational program

The needs of the modern labor market for graduates of this educational program are determined, first of all, by the need for materials science specialists who can actively develop modern technologies for creating new functional materials in the form of nanostructures in various designs. At the same time, such specialists should know the basics of strategic and innovative technology management of such materials, taking into account their price and quality. Training in the proposed educational program involves in-depth basic education, which can be supplemented by the following stages of Master's degree in various educational programs, including those of an interdisciplinary nature

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Mathematical analysis

Analytical geometry and linear algebra

Information technology

Information and communication technologies and engineering graphics



Electricity and magnetism

Introduction to project activities

Diffraction methods for studying matter

Differential equations, probability theory and mathematical statistics, methods of mathematical physics

Quantum and optical electronics

Quantum mechanics

Crystal chemistry and crystal physics

Materials and methods of nanotechnology

Methods of analysis and control of nanostructured materials and systems

Methods of mathematical modeling

Metrology, standardization and technical measurements

Mechanics and Molecular Physics

Modeling of micro- and nanostructures

Fundamentals of crystallography and group theory

Applied tensor analysis

Design activities

Materials science of nanosystems

Statistical physics and thermodynamics

Physics of the atom and atomic phenomena

Physics of heteroepitaxial structures

Condensed matter physics

Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics

Physical foundations of micro- and nanosystem technology


Electrical engineering and electronics

Educational introductory practice

Self-organization of biological nanostructures

Topological excitations in ferroelectric nanostructures

Advantages of this study program

  • Nanotechnology is a priority area for the development of knowledge-intensive high-tech sectors of the economy integrated into the global space. Nanotechnology is one of the priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • The uniqueness and novelty of the proposed Bachelor's degree program in the field of Nanotechnology and Microsystem Engineering consists in the fact that it is focused on teaching students modern methods of creating nanocrystalline materials in various designs (nanotubes, monolayers, nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanorods, thin-film heterostructures and superlattices) and the features of their diagnostics. In general, nanostructured materials are components of the nanoelectronics of the future.
  • We offer is original in its concept, as it is focused on deeper development of the direction "Nanotechnology and microsystem engineering".
  • During the training, students will get acquainted with modern methods of obtaining nanomaterials, experimental research methods and the basic principles of developing functional devices based on nanostructured materials. Much attention will be paid to training in the field of information technology and mathematical modeling.
  • During the process of mastering professional disciplines, students will learn how to create, modify, and explore new materials, model, design and manufacture devices and devices of nano- and microsystem technology for various functional purposes. Students will learn how to develop and apply nanotechnology processes and diagnostic methods for nanosystems.
  • The learning process is based on the principles of project activity, which allows you to study complex processes in practice in an accessible and fascinating way.
  • The foreign educational programs of the world's leading universities (Harvard University, Yale University, Brown University) offer liberal arts education as the main concept, the purpose of which is to develop a well;educated personality characterized by high intelligence and the ability to act accurately and effectively. At the same time, it is not determined in advance where and how graduates will use their knowledge.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Monitoring the employment of graduates over the previous 2 years showed that 93% of undergraduate graduates seek to obtain a master's degree in the same field, thereby improving their qualifications in the chosen field of activity. An analysis of the employment of undergraduates in this field (all graduates since 2010) shows that about 40% of graduates are employed in high-tech research enterprises and pilot plants, both in the Rostov region and in other regions, about 40% of graduates work in higher education and science, as in Russia, so it is abroad, and about 15% of graduates work in the IT field, and only about 5% of graduates choose other fields or are engaged in parenting. It has been established from individual graduate surveys that our graduates are satisfied with their employers, working conditions and salaries.

Why pursue a Bachelor's degree in Information Security?

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's Degree.
  • Work in leading research institutes of the Russian Federation and foreign research centers; in the R&D departments of leading corporations and technology startups; hardware programmers of various special purposes.