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Obtain a visa


No later than 45 days before the expiry date of single-entry/multi study visa it is necessary to submit the documents for visa extension for further legal stay on the territory of Russia.

Required documents:

  • study agreement or assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
  • originals: passport, migration card and registration;
  • Sberbank receipt for paying the state tax-1920 rubles;
  • Insurance policy valid on the territory of Rostov region.

During the period of visa extension, it is required to stay in Rostov-on-Don.

If you would like to travel outside Russia (or you will stay in a hotel or hospital in another city) you will get a new registration. Please, ask the hotel staff to provide you with your new registration and take it back to Rostov-on-Don. The next day after coming back to Rostov-on-Don, you need to submit to the University Migration Office copies of passport and a new migration card or a detachable section of the notification form about migration registration in the place of stay for a new registration to be issued.

Upon completion of study (expulsion/ graduation), the period of international student legal stay is reduced on the territory of the Russian Federation. No later than 30 days from the date of issuing the administrative order on graduation /expulsion/ granting an academic leave the international student is required to leave the territory of the Russian Federation. A student must move out of the dormitory of SFedU within 3 days.

University Migration services
Tel./fax: +7 (863) 218 40 00 Ext.  10366, 11573, 15119