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Materials science of nanosystems

Master's Degree, Faculty of Physics

28.04.01 Nanotechnologies and Microsystems Engineering

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

Nanotechnology is a priority area for the development of knowledge-intensive high-tech sectors of the economy integrated into the global space. Nanotechnology is one of the priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the whole world. In general, nanostructured materials are components of the nanoelectronics of the future.

The educational program is aimed at training world;class specialists focused on continuing their postgraduate studies or working in research centers and research departments of companies related to the development and production of electronics and photonics - the driving force of scientific and technological progress in the 21st century. The demand for graduates of our program, who successfully continue their careers in leading scientific and industrial centers in Russia, the USA, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Singapore and China, indicates a high level of training and the prospects of the proposed program.

During educational process, students get acquainted with modern methods of obtaining nanomaterials, with experimental methods of their diagnosis and the basic principles of the development of functional devices of micro- and nanosystem technology. The mechanisms and principles of the structural organization of nanosystems and methods for modeling the properties of nanostructures are studied.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

History, methodology and organization of science

Computer technologies in scientific research

Micro- and nanosystems in engineering and technology"

  • Actual problems of modern nanotechnology
  • Structures and mechanisms of self-assembly of nanoobjects
  • Physics of epitaxial heterostructures
  • Materials science of nanosystems
  • Modeling of micro- and nanosystems
  • Nanomaterials for alternative energy sources
  • Radiography of nanomaterials
  • Modern methods of structural analysis
  • Physical kinetics and thermodynamics


Advantages of this study program:

  • The uniqueness and novelty of the proposed master's degree program in the field of Nanotechnology and Microsystem engineering lies in the fact that it contains various aspects of training qualified specialists in this field.
  • Research work under the supervision of senior staff includes theoretical and experimental studies, publications in scientific journals, presentations and conferences for young scientists. Thus, supervisors encourage students to work and plan independently, give support and guidance, providing continuous motivation throughout the program.
  • Lecture courses, laboratory workshops and research programs are focused on training personnel in the field of synthesis and investigation of the physical properties of nanocrystals and epitaxial heterostructures by ion plasma and laser deposition methods. Students gain practical experience using modern scientific equipment and are engaged in scientific work in research institutions: the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Rostov Research Institute of Radio Communications, the Research Institute of Physics of the Southern Federal University.
  • Fundamental training in the field of obtaining and researching nanomaterials, contributing to the solution of fundamental and practical problems of nanotechnology.
  • Practical training, including both modern methods of creating nanocrystalline materials in various designs (nanotubes, monolayers, nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanorods, thin-film heterostructures and superlattices) and features of their diagnostics.
  • Formation of skills in organizing and performing research work using modern technological and diagnostic equipment.

Prospects. Career & Employment

There are several specialized areas within the field of nanosystems engineering, each focusing on different aspects of nanotechnology and engineering. Throughout the program, students participate in research projects related to applications. This is aimed to prepare students for working in emerging high tech industries or research laboratories that exploit nano and micro scaled materials and systems of various functionalities. The students will also understand the potential for the technology commercialization and its social impact. The alumni pursue successful careers in nuclear, aerospace, and automotive industries, new materials research in Russia, Europe, USA, China and other countries.

Graduates are trained to work at enterprises of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. In the Rostov region, such enterprises are the Rostov Research Institute of Radio Communications, the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research institutes of the Southern Federal University and other universities.

Graduates of the department have a fairly high level of training, which allows them to be in demand in the above-mentioned organizations, and the best students successfully study at graduate schools in Russian and foreign universities.