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40.04.01 Innovative jurisprudence

Master's Degree, Faculty of Law

40.04.01 Legal Studies

Course length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The digital economy and the information society set fundamentally different trends aimed at training specialists of a qualitatively different level. It is necessary to have the competencies of the 21st century, that is, to have not only the ability to confidently and effectively use information and communication technologies (ICT), the ability to build intercultural network communications, but also the ability to continuously learn and improve, turn ideas into actions through creativity, through innovation and risk assessment, through the ability to plan and manage projects, critically and think creatively. New competencies are initiative and responsibility, adaptability and innovation, entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence.

This innovative Master's program "Innovative Jurisprudence" was created to provide a modern level of professional training for specialists capable of carrying out professional activities in the context of digitalization and transformation of law.

The program is multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary in nature, located at the intersection of jurisprudence, economics, and management, which allows you to form unique competencies in the field of public and municipal administration, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects in the conditions of cyber reality and the digital economy. The program is implemented in a hybrid format (using online and offline learning opportunities), meets the requirements of the time and the demands of the modern labor market.

It should be noted separately that the concept of the master's program provides for the implementation of extracurricular activities aimed at building trusting and long-term relationships with graduates, forming a professional circle of communication that allows undergraduates to adapt as quickly as possible in a professional environment.

Core curriculum


Specialization courses

Comparative Law

Information technologies and standards of professional legal activity

Actual problems of digital law and digital economy // Actual problems of digital law and digital economy

Legal foundations of digitalization of public power

Philosophy of law

Information law and information security

  • Digital technologies in the field of contract law, intellectual property rights and big data protection
  • Protection of personal non-property rights in the virtual space. Media Guide
  • Legal regulation of the financial market in the context of digitalization
  • Tax law in the digital economy
  • Sustainable development law and international business
  • Legal design & due diligence in legal practice
  • Legal responsibility in the field of IT
  • Evolution of legal thought
  • History of political and legal doctrines
  • History and methodology of legal science

Advantages of this study program:

  • Graduates of the faculty keep pace with the rapidly developing world of digitalization, so they will be in demand in both government and commercial structures;
  • Practice orientation - conducting master classes, organizing practice bases and internships on a wide range of issues and areas, including at enterprises in the real sector of the economy, in state and municipal bodies, holding open lectures by practitioners who have reached great professional heights.
  • The features and innovative nature of this program are as follows: target audience: nonresidents, graduates of other universities; by content: emphasis on the study of innovations in law and its individual branches; Inter-departmental and interdisciplinary nature;
  • In addition, the Program assumes the format of open lectures and master classes from expert practitioners, helps to look at legal theory through the prism of business and provides a link between fundamental knowledge and the requirements of the Russian business environment. Such a dialogue with professionals helps to expand practical skills and gain a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of business, as well as career development opportunities in a specific field of finance, in the judicial system, investigative or prosecutorial bodies, as independent experts.
  • Also, the online format of the program allows you to attract well-known scientists from the largest universities of the country to the implementation of the program: Moscow State University, MGIMO, MGUA, RANEPA, HSE
  • Academic trainings are held in: Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region; Control and Accounting Chamber of the Rostov region; Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Moscow); Ministry of Economic Development of the Rostov region; Federal Treasury Department for the Rostov Region; Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov region; Interregional Department of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service for the Southern Federal District; Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Rostov region; Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the Rostov region; Rostov-on-Don City Duma; Municipal Treasury of the city of Rostov-on-Don; The Arbitration Court of the Rostov region; Rostov Regional Court; The Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal; Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov region; The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Rostov region; The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov region; All-Russian Union of Insurers (Moscow); Russian Union of Motor Insurers (Moscow); Service for ensuring the activities of the Financial Commissioner (Moscow); Deposit Insurance Agency (Moscow).

Prospects. Career & Employment

The Master's program is aimed at forming a comprehensive and balanced system of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competencies among students, the mastery of which will allow the graduate to build a professional career in public (state or municipal) service, including work in the judicial system, investigative or prosecutorial authorities, in business or in research and teaching the sphere.

Specialists will be able to:

  • to participate in the development of normative legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activity
  • to carry out professional activities based on a developed legal awareness, legal thinking and legal culture
  • to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by subjects of the right
  • to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • to apply normative legal acts, to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities
  • legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances, possess the skills to prepare legal documents
  • to identify, assess corrupt behavior and contribute to its suppression
  • to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in legal and other documentation
  • to participate in the legal examination of draft normative legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption
  • to interpret normative legal acts
  • to give qualified legal opinions and consultations in specific types of legal activity.

Close cooperation with well-known lawyers and practitioners, as well as the high professional level of graduates allows our students to be in demand in the modern labor market. Over 80% of graduates are employed in their specialty.

Also, graduates can continue their postgraduate studies and build a scientific and pedagogical career.