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Cyber-physical systems control

Master's Degree, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

27.04.03 System Analysis and Control

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program:

It is already impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without "smart" devices and machines, which are the result of a software and hardware symbiosis of computing modules, communications, sensors and actuators. Recently, a term has appeared that distinguishes "smart" devices, productions and technologies into a separate class of cyberphysical systems (CFS). The scope of application of the CFS extends to almost all types of human activity, including a wide variety of industrial systems, unmanned vehicles, energy and military systems, all types of life support systems from medicine to smart homes and cities. The purpose of the master's program is to train highly qualified researchers who combine deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, possess modern computer and cognitive technologies and are able to solve a wide range of tasks related to the development of software and algorithmic support for managing CFS of various applications.

The educational process will be based on the principle of combining adherence to the academic traditions of training highly qualified engineering personnel and the use of innovative scientific approaches in the field of analysis and synthesis of cyberphysical systems. The success of the implementation of this principle is associated with the mobilization of human resources and scientific potential of the ICTIB, with the modernization of the educational and laboratory base and with the involvement of students in the work of the student laboratory "Cybernetics".

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Professional and Academic Communication in Computer Science

Methodology of scientific activity

Psychology of personal resource management

Dynamics of managed systems

Methods of system analysis and decision-making

Modeling of complex systems

Intelligent control systems"

Cyberphysical systems

Technologies for the development of cyberphysical systems

Synergetic technologies for managing complex systems

Information management systems

Advantages of this study program:

  • Priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering and critical technology. The curriculum of the program is aimed at developing competencies that meet the priorities for promising NTI 1.0 markets (Energynet, Aeronet, Autonet, Technet, Neuronet).
  • Potential of the well-known scientific school in Russia and abroad of the scientific school "Synergetics and Problems of Management Theory" will be used; the resource base and highly qualified personnel potential of the ICTIB, possessing the necessary competencies, possessing modern knowledge of the disciplines taught and regularly engaged in scientific research.
  • The inclusion of author's courses and creative projects in the curricula, the orientation of training towards obtaining practical skills in the research and design of cyberphysical systems, the widespread use of modern computer technologies in the educational process will contribute to achieving the declared goal.
  • Students will have the opportunity to complete industrial and pre-graduate internships in the following partner organizations: JSC "Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M. Beriev", JSC "Scientific and Design Bureau of Computer Systems", The Special Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS), etc.
  • Opportunity to complete internships at specialized enterprises and participate in scientific and educational schools according to the profile of the program.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The set of acquired competencies of the graduates will allow them to work at enterprises of the military-industrial complex, mechanical engineering, instrumentation, energy and transport, in research organizations, data processing centers, design bureaus and IT companies.

Possible personnel positions: developer of software and algorithmic support for the Internet of Things CFS; analyst in the field of intelligent decision support systems; developer of software and algorithmic support for unmanned aircraft; developer of intelligent control systems; specialist in the field of development, design, research and implementation of mechatronic and robotic systems.

As part of the research activities, graduates can continue their postgraduate studies in the scientific specialty 2.3.1 System analysis, information management and processing, statistics.