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Electronic microwave and quantum devices and machines

Master's Degree, Institute of Nanotechnology, Electronics and Instrumentation

20.04.01 Technosphere Safety

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program:

The program is intended for bachelors and employees of industrial enterprises of various profiles in the field of environmental safety and labor protection.

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • to determine the level of the permissible limit of human intervention in nature
  • control the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere
  • evaluate the working conditions of production workers
  • prevent injuries and occupational diseases
  • monitor all types of safety: fire, radiation, industrial, etc.

After the end of the program, specialists will be guided in related fields of activity, actively use digital technologies, have social and professional mobility.

During study process students will master themselves in the sphere of modern information technologies in professional activities: from application programs for environmental engineers and occupational safety specialists to the use of artificial intelligence methods in data analysis and processing.

This program is designed for bachelors and employees of industrial enterprises of various profiles in the field of environmental safety and labor protection. Graduates of the program will be able to:

determine the level of the permissible limit of human intervention in nature, control the level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and hydrosphere, assess the working conditions of industrial workers, prevent injuries and occupational diseases, control all types of safety: fire, radiation, industrial, etc.

After completing the program, specialists will be guided in related fields of activity, actively use digital technologies, and have social and professional mobility.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Project and scientific activities

Modern environmental protection technologies

Expertise and supervision in the field of security

Innovative economics and security management

Modern educational technologies in Technosphere security

Information technologies in Technosphere security

Safety monitoring and risk analysis

Regulatory and methodological support of environmental safety

Occupational safety and assessment of working conditions

Methods and means of environmental diagnostics

Advantages of this study program:

  • The Master's degree program is focused on professional standards and the needs of strategic partner enterprises.
  • The training in our program is consistent with professional standards (A specialist in the field of occupational safety. Specialist in environmental safety (in industry).
  • The training program provides for project activities, practical training at manufacturing enterprises and employment assistance.
  • The opportunity to participate in relevant scientific research supported by grants.
  • Project activities on the instructions of employers. Engineering and environmental surveys on real objects of the economy.
  • Joint group work on professional tasks at the request of strategic partner enterprises. Training according to professional standards: - Specialist in the field of occupational safety. - Specialist in environmental safety (in industry).
  • Flexible schedule of classes allows you to combine study and work. During the training, you will have: active classroom work in groups and using a remote format; participation in project activities on case assignments from employers; classes in relevant scientific research within the framework of existing projects of scientific foundations; engineering and environmental surveys on real objects of the economy; industrial practice at leading enterprises of the region; active student life, participation in sports competitions, cultural events and environmental actions; mastering modern information technologies in professional activities: from application programs for environmental engineers and occupational safety specialists to the use of artificial intelligence methods in data analysis and processing.
  • Academic trainings are held in Federal State Budgetary Institution "Chernomoro-Azov Directorate for Technical Support of Supervision at Sea", LLC Taganrog Center for Labor Protection (LLC "TCOT"), GC "ECO CENTER", Branch of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Rostov region" in Taganrog (Federal State Budgetary Institution "TSgE in RO"), Taganrog City Administration (Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources), JSC "Taganrog Metallurgical Plant", JSC "Taganrog Commercial Sea Port" (JSC "TMTP"), PJSC Taganrog Boiler Plant "Krasny Kotelshchik", JSC "Krasny gidropress", MCU "Department of Emergency Protection of the population and territory of the city of Taganrog", Federal State Budgetary Institution"Information and Analytical Center for Water Use and Monitoring of the Sea of Azov", JSC Taganrog Plant "Priboy", JSC Scientific and Production Complex "On-board Intelligent Systems" (JSC "NPC "BIS"), Municipal Unitary the enterprise "Special automobile enterprise", JSC "TNIIS", EVRAZ Metal Inprom JSC.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Future specialists can work in the field of industrial and environmental safety, labor protection are extremely in demand at enterprises of various forms of production (both the industrial and non-industrial sectors), and will also find application in ensuring the safety of high-tech industries: large industrial enterprises, design and research institutes, expert and supervisory organizations, administrations of cities and districts, the sphere of small innovative entrepreneurship.