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Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines. Hydrophysical and hydroacoustic equipment

Specialist's program, Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Management

26.05.04 Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines. Hydrophysical and hydroacoustic equipment

Program length: 5 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program

The program provides a wide range of educational and laboratory equipment, which allows students to conduct experiments and measurements in the professional field.

Main professional activity of our graduates includes the fields of science, engineering and technology related to the development, production, operation and application of ships, ships technical systems as well as port and coastal services.

The main objects of "Application and operation of technical systems of surface ships and submarines" are shipboard and coastal complexes and systems; hydroacoustic, navigation and hydrographic (oceanographic), hydrometeorological and other facilities, marine equipment and devices, ship-handling equipment, marine navigation aids.

Our students have a unique opportunity to participate in marine research that includes training in the operation and adjustment of navigation, hydroacoustic and hydrographic equipment.

The student design bureau “Acoustics" provides students with opportunity to take part in the development of hydroacoustic equipment and its pilot production, testing and adjustment, which allows them to gain unique work experience in the relevant field.

                                                                Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Computer and engineering graphics

Computer science and information technology


Metrology, standardization and measuring instruments

Circuit engineering and System-engineering design

Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering

Physical fields



Economics and law in professional activity

Electronic engineering

Fundamentals of instrument and system design

Microprocessors and programmable logic circuits

Marine hydroacoustics

Hydroacoustic, acoustic and ultrasonic measurements

Simulation modeling of acoustic systems

Testing of marine equipment and systems

Operational reliability of marine equipment

Submarine equipment and systems

Submarine communication and navigation systems

Ship acoustics

Theory of radiation, scattering and reception of waves

Noise and vibration

Design and production technology of equipment and systems

Advantages of this study program:

  1. Almost all marine instrumentation companies are in demand of the specialists in the field of hydroacoustic. Just 3 universities in Russia have programs for training specialists in this field, and only Southern Federal University provides training for civil professionals.
  2. Students work with high-tech equipment and real hydroacoustic systems. Laboratory work is carried out with the help of unique scientific facility Imitation-full-scale hydroacoustic complex.
  3. Students have the opportunity to participate in research, development and contractual work. They can participate in full-scale field research works and experiments.
  4. The topics of interdisciplinary and course projects as well as final graduation works are developed with the help of future employers.
  5. Students of this program have the opportunity to train in leading industry organizations in the field of marine instrumentation.
  6. Training practices may be held in the following organizations: Yuzhmorgeologiya (Gelendzhik, Russia), JSC V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (Zhukovsky, Russia), JSC PO Sevmash (Severodvinsk, Russia), Taganrog Priboy Plant (Taganrog, Russia), etc.
  7. Students of the program also have the opportunity to gain practical skills in the student design bureau “Acoustics".
  8. Our students have the opportunity to study according to individual trajectories.
  9. Our partner companies: JSC V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (Zhukovsky, Russia); JSC “YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA" (Gelendzhik, Russia ); JSC “Taganrog plant “Priboy" (Taganrog, Russia).

Prospects. Career & Employment

Our graduates have an opportunity to realize themselves in the professional field and build career at domestic and foreign enterprises. They can work in the following places as:

  • oil and gas industry;
  • marine exploration companies;
  • research organizations;
  • organizations of environmental control of water areas;
  • in the departments of radio electronic equipment development;
  • on ships and in coastal units of the Navy;
  • in the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • in companies and small enterprises related to the development and production of modern devices and systems.

Among them:

  • JSC V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (Zhukovsky, Russia);
  • Atoll Research Institute (Dubna, Russia);
  • Yuzhmorgeologiya (Gelendzhik, Russia);
  • JSC PO Sevmash (Severodvinsk, Russia);
  • Organizations of the ROSATOM State Corporation.