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Monumental and decorative art: interiors

Specialist's program, Academy of Architecture and Arts

54.05.01 Monumental and decorative art: interiors

Program length: 6 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The program is aimed at training specialists in design, monumental and decorative art who will be able to create original interiors at a high professional level filling them with unique designs and works of art made in such techniques as mosaics, artistic ceramics (tiles, sculptures, fireplaces), wood (furniture sets, sculpture, interior and decor items), textiles (sets for residential and public interiors, theater curtains). Students of the program will get acquainted with the basics of construction, architectural structures and material studies, modern interior engineering, etc.

Students will learn how to design interiors and decorate them with their own works of monumental and decorative arts, create frescoes, acquire skills in working with drawings, master basic technologies of working with mosaics, artistic ceramics, textiles and wood.

The concept of the main educational program is the training of a highly qualified specialist, creatively thinking, adapted to changing conditions and in demand in the labor market, corresponding to the humanistic needs of society.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects



Foreign language

Economics and Law

Russian language and culture of speech

Legal studies

Health and safety

Cultural studies

Fundamentals of the creative process psychology

PR technologies

Fundamentals of academic sculpture and plastic modeling

Style of scientific text

Information technologies in art work

Academic Drawing

Special Design Drawing

Academic painting

Special Design Painting

Fundamentals of composition (propaedeutics)

Architectural and artistic composition and design

History of fine art

History of Interior Art

Fundamentals of art production

Fundamentals of construction business

Monumental painting in the interior

Sculpture in an architectural environment

Contemporary monumental Art

Contemporary art practices

Computer modeling

Modeling of the architectural and spatial environment

Advantages of this study program:

  • Interdisciplinary nature of the program: training of highly professional modern specialists in the field of interior design, monumental and decorative and decorative arts, interior and exterior design.
  • Students can get an internship in the following partner companies: Russia Designers Association, All-Russian Creative Public Organization “Russian Artists Association", Ignatov Art Glass Workshop LLC, Medniy Golem LLC.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The education received is the basis for further professional development and the disclosure of potential opportunities in the artistic field, the implementation of individual creative plans.

Graduates of the program will be able to work in:

  • architectural design bureaus and centers dealing with the development of interiors, exteriors and landscapes;
  • original workshops for the spaces design and decoration;
  • exhibition and museum centers;
  • leading firms in the field of interior decoration and creation;
  • furniture enterprises, etc.