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Information technology security in law enforcement. Expertise in the investigation of computer crimes

Specialist's program, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security

10.05.05 Information technology security in law enforcement. Expertise in the investigation of computer crimes

Program length: 5 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program

Students will study following majors as incident investigation: investigation of hacker and virus attacks; malware scan: search for viruses and spyware on client devices; web investigation: professional search for information on the internet; pentest: checking the information security of client objects; information audit: development of recommendations on information security for client facilities; data recovery: recovering information from various devices, recovering video files.

The program is aimed at training the following specialists:

  1. Specialist in the investigation of computer crimes;
  2. Expert criminologist in the field of information security;
  3. Information Security Specialist;
  4. Specialist in information counteraction to terrorist threats;
  5. Computer network security administrator;
  6. Security Operation Center Specialist;
  7. Independent technical expert in the field of computer crimes.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Technical information protection

Software and hardware information security

Organizational and legal support of information security

Cryptographic methods of information protection

Secure document management technologies

Audit of information technologies and information security systems

Computer forensics


Data protection law

Special information technologies in law enforcement

Investigation of computer incidents

Instrumental support of computer examination

Methods of data storage, recovery and analysis

Trace formation in computer systems

Advantages of this study program:

  • This program allows to gain experience in solving real practical problems within the framework of ongoing research at the department and master modern information security technologies;
  • You will take part in the Positive Education project and conduct your own projects in the student laboratory. Moreover, you can learn and play in the CTF team, as well as, become a member of the legendary Positive Hack Days.
  • Training practices are held in: Jet Infosystems, InfoTeCS, BIZONE, GROUP-IB, Angara Technologies Group, Ministry of Internal Affairs

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates of the program can work in different spheres and organizations as Jet Infosystems, InfoTeCSBIZONE, GROUP-IB, Angara Technologies Group, Federal Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and even serve in the cyber forces of the Ministry of Defense.