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Information and analytical security systems. Automation of information and analytical activities

Specialist's program, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security

10.05.04 Information and analytical security systems. Automation of information and analytical activities

Program length: 5 years 6 months (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program

Main purpose of this program is to train highly qualified personnel for professional work in the field of information and analytical systems in accordance with the types of professional activity, using advanced mathematical methods and modern information and communication technologies.

Future students competencies and professional skills will help them to solve problems, related to the creation, implementation, operation and protection of information and analytical systems in order to support the adoption of strategic and operational management decisions based on in-depth analysis and visual visualization of the entire data set.

The demand of students of this educational program is due to their high qualifications and a steady increase in demand for personnel in the field of information and analytical security systems in the labor market.

The structure of the educational program reflects the modular principle of presenting content, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standards of Higher Education and the standard for the development and implementation of educational programs of the Southern Federal University.

The program implements a strategy of supervised independent work of students aimed at organizing their project and research activities, as well as a meaningful vector of academic mobility week, which helps to effectively form advanced competencies.

The program involves the integration of design developments into the Russian and foreign educational space through the students participation in scientific conferences.

The program provides the possibility of creating complex interdisciplinary projects, course graduation papers, which are the result of joint research and project activities of students in different training fields.

The program ensures the relevance of the topics of final graduation works and their relevance to potential employers. Programming languages: C/C++, C#, Python, JavaScript, Assembler, Java.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects



Discrete Mathematics

Operating systems

Databases and DBMS

Algorithmization and programming

Fundamentals of information security

Multiservice networks

Operating systems security

Cryptographic methods of information protection

Protection of information from leakage through technical channels

Organizational and legal support of information security

Information and analytical systems and models

Intelligent information systems

Methods of data mining

Big data analysis technologies

Machine learning methods

Expert systems and knowledge bases.

Security of banking information systems

Analysis of financial frauds typologies

Advantages of this study program:

  • The advantage and features of the program are deep mathematical and specialized analytical training, which includes the fields of science, technology and technology, covering research aimed at the creation, operation, development and protection of information and analytical systems that provide automated processing and analysis of special information, as well as the applied tools of modern information technologies functioning as part of these systems.
  • The uniqueness of the educational program lies in the preservation and development of academic traditions created by the scientific school of teachers of the Department of Information and analytical security systems, as well as in the implementation of a set of unique professional competencies formed by the educational program, allowing students to obtain, in addition to knowledge in the field of information and analytical systems, also knowledge of mathematical methods in data analysis tasks, according to modern payment systems and their security, modern methods of analyzing large amounts of information, technologies for designing information and analytical systems, as well as in a number of regulatory and economic disciplines.
  • Training practices are held in: Department of the FSTEC of Russia for the Southern and North Caucasus Federal Districts; JSC “Scientific and Design Bureau of Computing Systems"; “Scientific Research Center of supercomputers and neurocomputers" LLC; PJSC Taganrog boiler-building plant “Krasny kotelshchik"; “Oggetto Web" LLC; “Programmnye tekhnologii" LLC; “Energokom" LLC; PJSC “Sberbank Russia"; PJSC Beriev Aircraft Company; DDoS-Guard LLC; “Integra" Engineering Center LLC; “INOSTUDIO Solutions" LLC; JCS “Joint Stock Bank for the Promotion of Commerce and Business" (“SKB-bank"); PJSC Commercial Bank “Center-invest"; “IT Premium" LLC.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The field of professional activity of the graduate includes:

  • government agencies that perform control and supervisory functions;
  • internal control services of banks and credit institutions;
  • information and analytical departments of government and commercial companies;
  • law enforcement agencies;
  • limited liability companies;
  • public joint stock companies;
  • Interregional Department of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.