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Information security of telecommunication systems. Designing of secure telecommunication systems

Specialist's program, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security

10.05.02 Information security of telecommunication systems. Designing of secure telecommunication systems

Program length: 5 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program

The main purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified personnel in the field of information security of telecommunication systems capable of ensuring the development, implementation and operation of various systems, methods and means of information protection in modern infocommunication systems, considering the digital transformation of the economy of the Russian Federation.

The program provides lectures, master classes, meetings with representatives of companies, trainings and internships, laboratory works with unique equipment, pitchings and projects.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects


Discrete mathematics


Psychology of professional self-development

Algorithmization and programming

Radio electronics

Circuitry of electronic devices

Signal theory

Theory of digital communication

Devices of telecommunication systems

Administration of operating systems

Network administration and security

Cryptographic methods of information protection

Technical protection of information

Software and hardware means of information security of telecommunication systems

Telecommunication systems

Development of software and hardware of telecommunication systems

Quantum technologies in telecommunication systems

Advantages of this study program:

  • We will teach you how to work with modern equipment and help you choose individual learning paths. The program provides lectures, master classes, meetups with representatives of companies, practices, laboratory works with unique equipment, pitchings and projects.
  • Training practices are held in technology companies, engaged in innovative activities.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates of the program will be able to work in advanced IT companies and government agencies. Students will be taught how to open their own technology company and develop a startup.