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Decorative and Applied Arts & Crafts

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Academy of Architecture and Arts

54.03.02 Russian Crafts and Decorative and Applied Arts

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                         Purpose of this educational program:                 

Decorative and applied art covers many creative industries that are dedicated to the creation of highly artistic products that are designed to transform and fill the aesthetics of the space around a person, his environment, and also carry a functional load.

Today, due to supporting the development of entrepreneurship in the field of housing and business, there is an obvious need for modern specialists in the labor market with advanced knowledge, the latest design technologies in the field of fine arts, preserving traditions using modern materials processing technologies.

Core curriculum


                      Specialized subjects

Academic Drawing

Academic painting


Composition in the material

History of Art

Theory and history of DPI

Fundamentals of production skills


Materials Science, technology and industrial training

Artistic design

Modern computer technologies in decorative and applied art

History of design, science and technology

Graphic presentation of the project. Construction

Conceptual design in textiles

Conceptual design in metal, wood

Conceptual design in ceramics, glass

Experimental materials science in ceramics, glass

Experimental materials science in metal, wood

Experimental materials science in textiles

Artistic culture of the Don region


Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • Combination of basic and applied disciplines;
  • Education of a specialist capable of seeing, analyzing and suggesting ways to transform the environment in order to improve quality, ready to professionally apply in their activities all the tools of modern art based on centuries-old traditions;
  • Decorative and applied art is a type of creative activity combining the achievements of culture, art, technology, design and aimed at creating aesthetically perfect, high-quality unique products and works of art
  • A graduate of the direction "Decorative and Applied Art" is able to achieve the following professional goals: to master the artistic methods of decorative and applied art, to perform search sketching and find a compositional solution, to develop and create an artistic image of a unique product and work of art, have practical and technological skills, to master the processes of manual and industrial production of products, to focus on teaching in general education institutions, educational institutions of secondary vocational and additional education, be able to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team, find organizational and managerial solutions and use regulatory documents in their activities
  • Graduates of the program will be guided by international trends in design, architecture and fine arts, the educational process for mastering the educational program is built considering the requirements of the standard.

Prospects. Career & Employment

  • Continue education at Master's Degree.
  • Employment in design bureaus and design studios, advertising agencies and cultural and educational institutions.
  • Employment in domestic and foreign agencies in the field of art and architectural design education