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Pedagogical Education (with Two Majors): Primary Education and Foreign Language

                                      Bachelor's degree (BSc), Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with Two Majors): Primary Education and Foreign Language

Program length: 5 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                  Purpose of this educational program

Training graduates of secondary schools and organizations of secondary vocational education. The program involves the formation of students' personal qualities, as well as universal, general professional and professional competencies.

                                                                   Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Module on information and communication technologies and information security

Psychological and pedagogical module

Introduction to project activities

Project activities

Module "Regulatory and legal support of preschool education"

Economics and Law

Module "Preschool pedagogy and child psychology"

Module "Social and communicative development of children"

Module "Speech development of children"

Module "Artistic and aesthetic development of children's development"

Module "Digitalization of preschool education"

Module "Design of the educational process in a preschool educational organization"

Module "Country studies for children"

Module "Practice of oral and written speech"

Module "Professional self-development of a preschool teacher"

Module "Practical phonetics and grammar of the English language"

Advantages of this study program:

  • Training of qualified and competitive bachelors with in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
  • High demand in the labor market and orientation of the educational program is determined in accordance with the strategic guidelines for the "National Technological Initiative" EduNet market;
  • Interaction with the Department of Education of Rostov-on-Don;
  • Training of modern teachers with innovative technologies in the field of preschool education, including individual educational trajectories, comprehensive assessment of achievements (portfolio), master classes, trainings; interactive discussions with leading scientists of Russia and the world are held;
  • During the training students will have the opportunity to develop skills of practical work and their work capacity under the guidance of highly qualified professionals. Main feature of the educational process - is the implementation of experimental work within the of course projects, starting with the first course.

                                                            Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's degree;
  • Employment in Educational organizations of the Russian Federation and private educational organizations.