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Special defectological education

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.03.03 Special defectological education

Program length: 4-5 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

"Special (defectological) education" is in demand due to the significant increase in recent years in the number of children and adults in need of special psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance. Graduates will be able to perform labor functions (correctional activities, developmental, educational and educational activities) and provide correctional and educational services as an oligophrenopedagogue, sign language teacher, typhlopedagogue or speech therapist teacher according to adapted basic general education and individual programs for students with disabilities and disabled people.

Employment as speech therapists and speech pathologists in other state and commercial organizations and institutions of social assistance to the population, rehabilitation centers (psychological centers, institutions of additional education, children's homes, orphanages, clinical hospitals, diagnostic centers, interdepartmental structures) of the Southern Federal District and other regions of the country

                                                                  Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Module "Medical and biological foundations of defectology"

Module "Fundamentals of correctional psychology and pedagogy"

Module "Special diagnostics"

Module "Technologies of correctional activity"

Module "Training of persons with speech disorders"

Module "Training of persons with intellectual disabilities"

Module "Training of persons with ASD"

Module "Training of persons with musculoskeletal disorders"

Module "Training of persons with hearing impairments"

Module "Training of persons with visual impairments"

Module "Training of persons with multiple disabilities"


Advantages of study program

  • Focus on the main guidelines of modern education: teaching professionalism, methods and approaches to teaching, forms of work, a practice-oriented approach, the use of a digital educational environment, intra-university interaction, a holistic educational space in the region.
  • Modern principles of interdisciplinarity and practice-orientation: considering current trends and the needs of the educational services market of the Southern Federal District, this educational program will combine the approaches of classical university education with practice-oriented ones.
  • Obtaining basic knowledge in the field of biomedical fundamentals of defectology will allow students to further master modern methods of differential diagnosis for the qualified construction of psychological, pedagogical and correctional and developmental work with persons with disabilities and the disabled. The educational process will use modern interactive technologies and hardware and software complexes (Reactor, Stabilan, GRV camera, Encephalan, Psychophysiologist, etc.), as well as special teaching methods.
  • Modern educational methods: modular training, problem-based training, project-based teaching methods, research teaching methods, game methods, health-saving technologies, portfolio method, case methods, business games, trainings, master classes, "inverted lectures", creation of educational products, round tables, foresight sessions.
  • Teaching professionalism is supported by regular completion of advanced training courses, participation in Russian and international scientific events with the publication of their research in highly rated scientific citation databases.

                                                                            Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's Degree program.
  • The implementation of the educational process will be carried out through the training of students by highly qualified teachers, as well as specialists attracted from leading organizations and enterprises using modern educational technologies and methods.
  • Graduates will be able to use psychological and pedagogical technologies in professional activities necessary for individualization of training, development, education, including students with special educational needs and disabled people, as well as interact with participants in educational relations within the framework of educational programs.
  • A graduate who has been trained under this educational program can carry out research activities as graduates and as practicing speech therapists or speech pathologists in different institutions or organizations.
  • Using the knowledge learned at the university, the young specialist will be able to develop and improve the educational and correctional environment in educational institutions, develop new technologies for correctional and speech therapy work with people with disabilities and disabilities, introduce their developments into the environment of specialists by developing courses for parents and specialists, participating in scientific events and publication activity.