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Social Work. Social work with various categories of the population

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

39.03.02 Social Work. Social work with various categories of the population

Program length: 4 years full-time

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The program is aimed at training highly qualified, competent, competitive personnel in the social sphere who can apply modern technologies of social work.

The relevance of the program is determined by the need to expand the range of social services available to the population and improve their quality, as well as the need to develop a system of social assistance and support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

Students receive intensive theoretical and practical training:

  • students have the opportunity to independently choose a part of the studied subjects to develop universal and professional competencies;
  • students take part in scientific research, in scholarship and grant competitions based on the results of scientific research, participate in scientific and practical conferences of various levels, and publish articles;
  • students actively participate in project activities, including those on the basis of case studies from work-partners;
  • within the program, various practical trainings have been organized in different social institutions;
  • educational process includes interactive and practice-oriented educational technologies, contact forms of education with research and socio-technological tasks.

During the training, students will receive competencies in the following fields:

  • assignment and payment of benefits, targeted social assistance, reduced payments, compensations, etc.
  • social insurance of the Russian Federation population (pension, payment due to temporary disability, medical, etc.)
  • social services and social support for various categories of the population (the elderly; the disabled; minors left without parental care; refugees and internally displaced persons; military personnel; persons without a fixed place of residence, etc.)
  • leisure activities, assistance in adaptation and job search, rehabilitation and correction;
  • protection and representation of interests of various categories of the population in court, etc.

                                                                    Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Information and communication technologies in scientific activity and practical social work

Theory of social work

Fundamentals of demography

History of social work

Psychology of social work

Age psychology

Workshop on psychodiagnostics

Fundamentals of the social dynamics of the family

Project activity module

Economics and law

Social work technology

Social rehabilitation

Legal support of social work in the Russian Federation and Rostov region


Research methods and qualitology in social work

The system of social service institutions in the Rostov region

Conflictology in social work

Fundamentals of social gerontology

Family studies

Gender studies in social work

Social work with young people

Pension provision in Russia

Labor market, employment of the population and its regulation

Social work with the disabled

Social Consulting Workshop

Child protection services

Intercultural communication and interaction in society and social work

Economic foundations of social work

Fundamentals of social education

Advantages of this study program:

  • The learning process includes project work technologies, interactive technologies, master classes, role-playing and business games, trainings that help to understand the specifics of the organization of social protection, assistance and support.
  • The educational program involves mastering the methods of social forecasting and design. It also provides for gaining a wide range of professionally applied competencies in the field of social work through the application of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  • Starting from the first ear of studies, students are actively involved in research and humanistically oriented volunteer activities. The principal feature of this educational program is that the bachelor's degree format includes a practice-oriented and research component, which is be provided by:
    1. interaction with employers, practical specialists in the social sphere, non-profit organizations, socially oriented businesses, and socio-professional communities;
    2. applying international and domestic experience in the implementation of scientific research methodology, effective social technologies, and social work technologies into social practice;
    3. integration of academic educational forms and technologies with project, socio-technological, and research ones.
  • Highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, as well as leading specialists in the field of social work, are involved in the implementation of the educational program.
  • Academic trainings take place at: State Autonomous Institution of Social Services for the Population of the Rostov Region “Rostov Boarding Home No. 2 for the Elderly and Disabled"; Municipal Government Institution “Rostov-on-Don Pervomaisky Districts Department of Social Protection of the Population"; Kamensk ; Shakhtinsky Municipal Budgetary Institution “Center of Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens"; State Budgetary Institution of Social Services for the Rostov Region Population “Center for social assistance to families and children of Rostov-on-Don"; Federal State Institution “Correctional Colony No. 14 of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Rostov region"; State Budgetary Institution of Social Services for the Rostov Region Population “Social rehabilitation center for minors of the Proletarian district"; Rostov-on-Don Department of Social Protection of the population; Municipal Autonomous Institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Myasnikovsky district"; Rostov-on-Don Oktyabrsky district Administration; Municipal State Institution “Rostov-on-Don Zheleznodorozhny Districts Department of Education"; Autonomous non-profit organization for the support of children with disabilities inclusion “Resource Class"; State government institution of the Rostov region “Kamensk-Shakhtinsky Employment Center"; Autonomous non-profit organization Center for Assistance to Families of Children with Disabilities “Sodeystvie"; Rostov-on-Don Autonomous non-profit organization “SIGN INTERPRETING CENTER"; Rostov regional public charitable organization “Orthodox assistance service “Miloserdie-na-Donu"; State budgetary institution for social education of the Rostov region population “Bataysk Social shelter for children and adolescents"; State government educational institution of the Rostov region “Novocherkassk special boarding school No. 1"; Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Rostov Region.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Bachelor of Social Work is in demand in state and municipal government, non-governmental non-profit organizations, and social protection services. Graduates of the program can also become organizers of socially oriented business.

Graduates of the program can work in the following institutions and organizations:

- Social Fund of the Russian Federation;

- Department of Social Protection of the Population;

- Insurance Companies;

- Social rehabilitation centers;

- Social Service Centers;

- Family and Children Assistance Centers;

- Employment centers and labor exchanges;

- Multifunctional centers for working with the population;

- Compulsory Health Insurance Fund;

- Military units;

- Socially oriented non-profit organizations;

- Migration services;

- Crisis centers;

- Shelters for people without fixed place of residence;

- Penal institutions;

- Guardianship and trusteeship bodies, etc.