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Legal Studies

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Faculty of Law (Jurisprudence)

40.03.01 Legal Studies

Program length: 4-5 years (Full-time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The specificity of the educational program in the fact that the program is aimed at training lawyers of a wide profile with a high level of legal culture, formed legal thinking, and possessing deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of law, which will allow graduates to freely navigate the constantly changing legislation, successfully work in modern political and socio-economic conditions of development of society and the state.

The educational program is aimed at training highly qualified lawyers who will be ready to solve various tasks of professional activity in such areas as the development and implementation of legal norms; ensuring law and order; providing legal assistance to individuals and legal entities.

The educational process is based on a combination of such traditional forms of higher education as lectures and seminars with active forms of learning that encourage students active mental and practical activity.

The learning process involves modern educational technologies aimed at developing practical skills, such as business games, simulation of court sessions, project trainings, debates, participation in the work of the Legal Clinic, etc.

An important place in the structure of the educational program is occupied by trainings and internships, both academic and practical. Students have trainings in courts (of general jurisdiction and arbitration), departments of the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor's Office, internal affairs bodies, the Federal Bailiff Service, law firms, etc.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

History of the national state and law

History of the state and law of foreign countries

Theory and History of State and Law

Foreign language in the field of jurisprudence

Constitutional law

Administrative law

Civil law

Civil procedure

Business law

Criminal law

Criminal procedure law

International law

Private international law

Financial law

Tax law

Family law


Municipal law, etc.

Actual problems of branches of public law

Current issues of civil law and process

Modern criminal and criminal procedure legislation and the practice of its application

Arbitration proceedings

Administrative legal proceedings

Roman law

Latin language

Penitentiary law

Legal logic

Legal technique

Professional rhetorics

Housing law

Land law

Project activities, etc.

Advantages of this study program:

  • The educational program is developed on the basis of the SFedU's own educational standard, which sets higher requirements in comparison with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • The program is aimed at training a lawyer of a general (universal) profile, which allows its graduates to freely navigate the constantly changing legislation, to work successfully in all areas of legal activity.
  • The educational program is based on the fundamental approaches to the study of law and legal phenomena, the preservation of academic traditions of classical university training of lawyers, the active use in its implementation of the achievements of scientific schools that have developed at the faculty. At the same time, the program is practice-oriented.
  • The educational program also includes academic disciplines aimed at the formation of IT competencies.
  • During study students participate in project and research activities in the field of law, as well as in the academic mobility activities.
  • Students also have an opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory through the choice of elective and optional disciplines, the types and topics of projects, and participation in intra-university academic mobility activities. Moreover, students are provided with various opportunities to participate in research activities (there are 11 research clubs at the faculty) and social work.
  • Within the educational process much attention is paid to the forming students' skills of independent work, self-organization and self-development.
  • The implementation of the program at a classical multidisciplinary university creates additional opportunities for students to acquire competencies related to other (besides jurisprudence) branches of knowledge, such as IT, Economics, Philosophy, etc.
  • Highly qualified specialists, leading scientists and practitioners in the field of jurisprudence take part in the implementation of the educational program.
  • Academic trainings take place at: The Arbitration Court of the Rostov region; The Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal; Rostov Regional Court; Department for Ensuring the Activities of Magistrates; The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation; Government of the Rostov Region; The Main Department of the Ministry of Justice for the subject of the Russian Federation; The Office of the Judicial Department in the Rostov Region; Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office; Administration of Rostov-on-Don; Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region; Department of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Rostov Region; Department of the Federal Tax Service of the Rostov region; The Law Chamber of the Rostov Region.
  • Our partner companies: The Arbitration Court of the Rostov region, The Fifteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal, Rostov Regional Court, Department for Ensuring the Activities of Magistrates, The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Government of the Rostov Region, The Main Department of the Ministry of Justice for the subject of the Russian Federation, The Office of the Judicial Department in the Rostov Region, Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office, Administration of Rostov-on-Don, Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region, Department of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Rostov Region, Department of the Federal Tax Service of the Rostov region, The Law Chamber of the Rostov Region, The Notary Chamber of the Rostov Region.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The broad professional outlook of the graduates of educational program, the formation of which is ensured by its universality, allows them to successfully work in various fields of professional legal activity (in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, magistrate courts, in departments of the investigative committee, prosecutor's office, advocacy, notary, federal bailiff service, municipal authorities, international and Russian consulting companies, etc.).

In addition to knowledge and understanding of law, the ability to apply it to protect the rights of those who need it, students learn to comprehend the essence of social processes, which opens the way for them to such areas as politics, public administration, top management of large companies.

Graduates of the program can continue their studies at the Master's degree of the leading universities of the country.