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11.03.02 Infocommunication technologies and communication systems. Intelligent infocommunication systems and technologies

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of radiotechnical systems and management

Program Overview

Training of bachelors with fundamental knowledge in the field of Radioelectronics, and specialists, who able to develop infocommunication systems and networks for various purposes, including next-generation networks (5G). Moreover, students will be able to create software and hardware tools for solving the problems of transmission, reception and processing of various types of information.

Within the program, students acquire knowledge, skills and practical skills in the following areas:

  • programming in high-level languages (C, C++, Python);
  • graphical programming (LabVIEW, Simulink);
  • development of digital signal processing algorithms;
  • creation of embedded and on-chip systems;
  • design of communication networks and computer networks.

The specialized disciplines of the educational program are implemented at Institute of Radiotechnical Systems and Management on the basis of three departments:

  • theoretical foundations of radio engineering,
  • antennas and radio transmitting devices,
  • embedded and radio receiving systems.

The material, technical and human resources potential of the basic departments make it possible to ensure the interdisciplinarity of the educational program and allows students to choose a wide range of specializations within the framework of trainings, research work, project activities and final qualification work.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Advanced mathematics



Engineering and computer graphics

Theoretical foundations of radio engineering

Materials and components of electrical engineering

Circuit engineering

Metrology, standardization and certification

Fundamentals of computer-aided design and modeling of radioelectronic devices


Applied mathematical methods in radio engineering and communication

Computer methods of synthesis and processing of signals

Methods and devices of digital signal processing

Super-high frequencies devices and antennas

Devices for generating, forming, receiving and processing signals

Fundamentals of building infocommunication systems and networks

Electromagnetic compatibility of electronics

Digital devices and microprocessors

Microprocessor controllers

Embedded system design methods

Signaling in electric communication networks

Information and coding theory

Digital Switching Systems

Program Benefits

  • The educational program combines various research areas and practical applications in the field of modern information and communication technologies, the Internet of Things, application programming, communication networks, signal processing systems and devices, antennas and super-high frequencies devices.
  • The educational program is included in the strategic projects of the Southern Federal University "Advanced Engineering School" and "Priority 2030".
  • The program provides fundamental engineering training in mathematics, physics and radio electronics, which is the core for the development of both professional and managerial competencies of a specialist.
  • The program has a modular structure: a module of university-wide disciplines, a module of compulsory professional disciplines (major), a module of variable professional disciplines (minor), a module of project activities.
  • Within the framework of the project activity module, students conduct scientific research in the areas of the Institute of Radiotechnical Systems and Management, solve tasks from industrial partners.
  • Academic trainings are held at the following organizations: JSC “Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute" (Zhukov, Russia); JSC “Ratep" (Serpukhov, Russia); Istok State Scientific Production (Fryazino, Russia); PJSC Radio Plant “Signal" (Stavropol, Russia); Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Rostov-on-Don Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communications" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); JSC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute “Gradient" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); Taganrog Branch of JSC “Sukhoi Company" (Taganrog, Russia); JSC “Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications" (Taganrog, Russia); PJSC “Beriev Aircraft Company" (Taganrog, Russia); JSC “Scientific and Design Bureau of Computing Systems" (Taganrog, Russia); “Expert Electronics" LLC (Taganrog, Russia); “Spetsstroy-Svyaz" LLC (Taganrog, Russia).
  • Students also have the opportunity to participate in internships in IT companies, TV and radio companies, mobile operators companies, television and radio broadcasting networks.
  • Our partner companies: Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology; PJSC United Aircraft Corporation; PJSC “YAKOVLEV"; JSC “Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute" (Zhukov, Russia); JSC “Ratep" (Serpukhov, Russia); Istok State Scientific Production (Fryazino, Russia); PJSC Radio Plant “Signal" (Stavropol, Russia); Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Rostov-on-Don Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communications" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); JSC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute “Gradient" (Rostov-on-Don, Russia); JSC “Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications" (Taganrog, Russia); PJSC “Beriev Aircraft Company" (Taganrog, Russia); JSC “Scientific and Design Bureau of Computing Systems" (Taganrog, Russia); “Expert Electronics" LLC (Taganrog, Russia); “Spetsstroy-Svyaz" LLC (Taganrog, Russia).

Prospects. Career & Employment

Graduates of the program can get employed in various scientific and industrial organizations of the Russian state corporation Rostec, which includes 15 holdings, such as:

  • Radioelectronic Technologies Concern;
  • United Aircraft Corporation;
  • JSC Ruselectronics.

Moreover, graduates of the educational program work in the following organizations:

  • IT companies;
  • enterprises developing telecommunication equipment, communication facilities, software-defined radio systems;
  • mobile operators, television and radio broadcasting networks;
  • TV and radio companies.