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Public and Municipal Administration

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems

38.03.04 Public and Municipal Administration

Program length: 4 years (full-time study), 5 years (correspondence study)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

                                               The main purpose of this educational program is training of professionals in multiple fields of studies: economics, management, IT

                                                                 Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Economics and jurisprudence
  • Information-communication technologies
  • Theory of management
  • Theory of organization
  • Constitutional law
  • Systems of state and municipal management
  • Regional management and planning
  • History of state management
  • Regional development management
  • State and municipal social policy
  • Political studies
  • Introduction: project activities
  • Project activities
  • Course project
  • Statistics
  • Public relations of local government
  • Public private partnership
  • Quality management
  • State and municipal orders management
  • Public property management
  • Econometrics
  • Business situation analysis of state and municipal enterprises
  • State corporation finances
  • Basis of electoral technologies
  • Personnel management
  • Foreign language in professional communication
  • Economics and urban management
  • Administrative law
  • State and municipal services
  • Monopoly state regulation
  • Acceptance and execution of state decisions

                                                  Advantages of this study program:

  • The department of management united the best experience and specialists in the field of management. Traditional and progressive management technologies, as well as diverse highly-qualified teachers, have created the core of future management training;
  • Students will have the opportunity to acquire hard skills (basic skills), soft skills (flexible skills) and digital skills (information and digital skills).

                                                                         Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's Degree;
  • Work opportunity in the field of: development plans of the country and region; monitoring of financial resources at all levels; Development of social support programs for the population, etc.