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System Analysis and Management: System engineering of intelligent information and control systems

Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of high technologies and piezotronics

27.03.03 System Analysis and Management: System engineering of intelligent information and control systems

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog

                                                      Purpose of this educational program

  • Formation of a new class of analysts capable of effectively solving the problems of analysis, modeling, design and management of complex technical, techno-economic systems, including high-tech and knowledge-intensive.
  • Activity of graduates is focused on the creation of new high-tech goods and services using modern information technologies and management methods.
  • Relevance and demand of this program is determined by the need of organizations and enterprises info-communication, banking and real sector of the economy.

                                                                   Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Computer studies and basis of programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Mathematical basis of modelling
  • Basis of management theory
  • Introduction: Engineering activities
  • Engineering and computer graphics
  • Basis of scientific-production activities, evaluation and protection of intellectual property
  • General cultural and professional communication
  • Corporate informational systems
  • Engineering computer technologies
  • Mechanics and technologies
  • Electrical technics
  • Electronics
  • Methodology of system projecting
  • Technical economical projecting
  • Systems of data management
  • System modelling
  • Project management in organizational technical systems
  • Intellectual technologies of knowledge representation
  • System analysis and quality management
  • Requirements analysis and change management
  • Object-oriented modelling and analysis of managerial and engineering systems
  • Models and methods of process management of organizational systems
  • Flexible methodologies and project management
  • Simulation modeling of business processes
  • System analysis and decision making
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Optimization methods
  • Mathematical and instrumental methods of system analysis and management
  • Economics of innovative activities and engineering entrepreneurship

Advantages of this study program:

  • Modern material, technical and information base;
  • Management, scientific and pedagogical team of relevant qualifications;
  • Educational and methodological base, developed in cooperation with representatives of employers for the effective training of analysts of the new generation, possessing all necessary competencies for the implementation of research, design, engineering and technological and operational-technological activities and in demand on the labor market of Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast and in general Southern Federal District;
  • The unique feature of the program is the result of a synthesis of 100-year scientific experience and traditions of SFedU and 40-year scientific and production potential accumulated in the sphere of development and production of piezoelectric materials and devices;
  • The process of curriculum learning involves adding to the traditionally high-quality classical format of learning new opportunities and information technologies: online courses (platforms "Open Education" and Coursera), interdisciplinary project activities with the support of program partners, online courses of visiting professors, courses in English, effective use of the information environment of the university. Students of the Department of System Analysis and Management visit production enterprises of the Rostov region, participate in competitions of leading companies.

Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's degree;
  • Work as executors in system-analytical, forecasting, marketing and strategic development of structural units of companies of various scales;

The opportunity to work in commercial companies, telecommunication companies, banks, educational and scientific organizations, state organizations, structures and bodies.