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                                     Bachelor's degree (BSc), Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies D.I. Ivanovsky

19.03.01 Biotechnology

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                 Purpose of this educational program

Specialization is based on Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, and other key areas of Biology and Embryology. Biotechnology is also based on some applied disciplines such as robotics, electronics and instrumentation. Main purpose of biotechnology bachelors - solving the problems of Medicine, Genetics, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Industry, Industrial Ecology, Selection, Genetic modification of plants and animal cloning.

                                                               Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Geology
  • Geography and basis of earth studies
  • Atmosphere studies
  • Ecology
  • Biosphere studies
  • Biology, soil geography and basis of soil science
  • Hydrosphere studies
  • Landscape studies
  • Basis of geodesy and topography
  • Geoecology
  • Metrology, standardization and measurement tools
  • Processes and vessels in biotechnologies, certification and control of quality of biotechnological enterprises

Basic biology



Microbiology, virology and immunology

Molecular biology


Human and animal physiology

Rational nature management and techno sphere safety

Organization of scientific research, bioethics and bio-security


Food and industrial microbiology

Cellular technology of plants and animals

Genetic and protein engineering

Enzyme studies and engineering enzymology

          Advantages of this study programme:

  • Training of qualified and competitive bachelors with in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in biotechnology, the use of biological systems for economic and medical purposes;
  • Field of professional activity of the graduate: obtaining, research and use of enzymes, viruses, microorganisms, cellular cultures of animals and plants, products of their biosynthesis and biotransformation; production technologies using microbiological synthesis and biocatalysis; operation and quality management of biotechnology industries in compliance with the requirements of national and international regulations; organization and implementation of quality control of raw materials, intermediate products and finished products;
  •  During the training students will have the opportunity to develop skills of practical work and their work capacity under the guidance of highly qualified professionals. Main feature of the educational process - is the implementation of experimental work within the of course projects, starting with the first course.

                                                    Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master's degree;
  • Key areas of graduate work: Bioengineering; Biomedicine; Biopharmacology; Bionics; Cloning; Hybridization; Genetic Engineering.
  • ​​​​​​​Jobs directly related to your degree include: Biomedical Engineer. Biochemist. Medical Scientist. Clinical Technician. Microbiologist. Process Development Scientist. Biomanufacturing Specialist. Business Development Manager.