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Automation of technical and production processes

​​​​​​​Bachelor's degree (BSc), Institute of radio engineering systems and management

15.03.04 Automation of technical and production processes

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

                                                          Purpose of this educational program

- Training of engineers, designers, programmers and researchers for enterprises in the production, development and IT spheres, in the sphere of creation and maintenance of automation tools and automation of technological processes, including new digital technologies: SMART-Industry, SMART-City, IoT.

- Students gain competence in the field of modeling of objects and processes of complex formations, gain experience in working with modern equipment used in production of technological processes control: industrial controllers, automation devices, SCADA-systems.

                                                               Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Computer graphics in technical systems
  • Programming and basis of algorithm construction
  • IT in professional sphere
  • Modeling of control systems
  • Theory of automatic control
  • Electrical engineering, electronics and micro-electronics
  • Introduction: Engineering activities
  • Project (1st year)
  • Project (2nd year)
  • Project (3rd year)
  • Computing machinery, systems and networks
  • Microcontroller and microprocessor control systems
  • Industrial logic controller programming
  • Industrial system interface
  • Applied programming in technical needs
  • Information and management system design
  • Management tools and systems design
  • Data support of management systems
  • Intellectual technologies of technological processes and production management
  • Electromechanical and pneumatic automation systems

Advantages of this study program:

  • The program is designed, considering the requirements of profile enterprises, which guarantees employment of graduates;
  • Educational program is carried out on the basis of laboratories together with partners;
  • Joint Program Implementation Agreements with Partner Companies;
  • Project focus provided by industry partners;
  • Results of projects are presented on open protection with present of customers; students regularly take prizes at conferences of various levels, take part in competitions, get patents of the Russian Federation for inventions;
  • Annual conference of students, young scientists and postgraduate students in which students of universities of Russia with students near and far abroad countries take part;
  • Professors involved in the teaching of specialized disciplines of the program have a high level of foreign language, which allows to form professional competences with the simultaneous increase of language competence.

                                                           Prospects. Career & Employment

After educational program students can:

  • Continue their education at Master degree;
  • Pass practices at the partner enterprises, which provides employment experience at the stage of training and promotes rapid employment and career growth.
  • Workplace automation can help you cut business costs by eliminating expensive errors and streamlining your processes to help employees complete tasks more efficiently. You may also save money on administrative labor because repetitive, time-consuming tasks will be done automatically.​​​​​​​