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Bachelor's Degree (BSc), Institute of Physics

03.03.02 Physics. Physics

Program length: 4 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Broadly, physics involves the study of everything in physical existence, from the smallest subatomic particles to the entire universe. Physicists try to develop conceptual and mathematical models that describe interactions between entities (both big and small) and that can be used to extend our understanding of how the universe works at different scales.

Training of high-qualified specialists with fundamental basis in Physics, Radiophysics, Mathematics, Computer technologies, and, yet, with background of scientific research.

We prepare students, who want to know everything about our world and its internal systems and their various phenomena. We will teach students to set up physical experiments, come up with ways to solve non-standard problems in Mathematics, Physics and Computer science

They are taught in order to maximize the abilities of everyone, to help realize themselves in the chosen field of physics and not only. To form unique, numerous and branched neural connections in your brain, which allow

Orientation for further education: students can continue their study process at Masters Degree (Physics and Radiophysics), what is useful for students, who want to continue their scientific, pedagogic and professional management activities.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects


Molecular Physics

Electricity and magnetism


Physics of the atom and atomic phenomena

Physics of the nucleus and particles

General physical practice

Theoretical mechanics and continuum mechanics


Quantum mechanics

Thermodynamics, statistical physics and physical kinetics

Mathematical analysis

Analytical geometry

Linear algebra

Vector and tensor analysis

Theory of functions of a complex

variable, Differential equations, Integral equations, Calculus of variations, Probability theory and mathematical statistics, Programming

Information and communication technologies, Ecology, Chemistry, Foreign language, Philosophy

Condensed matter physics

Computational Physics

Radiophysical electronics, Physics of magnetic phenomena

Physics of phase transitions

Numerical methods and mathematical modelling

Methods of mathematical physics

Integral equations and calculus of variations



Radio-physical electronics

Physics of condensed state

Physical field theory

Basis of probability theory

Basis of programming and data visualization in Python

Functional programming in physics tasks

Computer modelling in astrophysics

Introduction: Nanostructure physics and research methods and their application

Pre-diploma practice, etc.

Advantages of this study program:

  • Physicists explore the fundamental properties and laws that govern space, time, energy, and matter. They may study theory, design and perform experiments, or apply their knowledge in developing materials or equipment.
  • Combination of study process and scientific researches under the guidance of: Department of Physics, Department of Biophysics and Bio-cybernetics, Department of Nano-system and Spectroscopy physics; Department of Applied Electrodynamics and Computer Modelling, Department of Radiophysics, Department of Quantum Radiophysics.
  • Training is conducted in modern experimental facilities of the Department of Physics with the usage of high-technologic computers, in cooperation with leading Russian and international science and education centers where students are doing production practice or carrying out a series of experiments.
  • Students will receive basic physical and mathematical training, training in IT technology and programming, and specialization in one of the fields of Physics and Radiophysics;
  • Senior students can combine education and work in high-tech enterprises, which allows to immerse himself in the process of research and development of modern radio-technical systems.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Our graduates can solve any problems of physics, experimental or theoretical, as well as business organization, high-tech production, setting new tasks for software startups, etc.

You can work in high-tech enterprises: astronomers and physicists typically work on research teams together with engineers, technicians, and other scientists.

Our graduates can find jobs in Space and Astrophysical research Centers, a special astrophysical observatory, IT companies, in the information technology sector, software development for solving research tasks, engineering and business applications, as well as system administration. In addition, work at enterprises of the nuclear industry and nuclear energy, nuclear physics research centers, enterprises of communication and telecommunications systems is not excluded.

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Acoustics Physicist or Sound engineer
  • Astrophysicist
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Construction Consultant
  • Customs Inspector
  • Geophysicist
  • Light and Optics Specialist
  • Meteorologist
  • Medical Physicist
  • Academic researcher
  • Astronomer
  • Clinical scientist
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Metallurgist
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Radiation protection practitioner
  • Research scientist (physical sciences)
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Technical author

Mostly our bachelors are employed in organizations, engaged in process of scientific research. They can continue studies at Master's Degree and postgraduate studies.