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Students of the Southern Federal University took part in the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the memorial complex "In memory of the victims of fascism in Zmievskaya Balka"


On May 7, students and staff of the Southern Federal University took part in a regional action in memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Wreaths and flowers were laid at the memorial complex "In memory of the victims of Fascism in Zmievskaya Balka" in the traditional format.

As part of the laying ceremony, Yakov Aslanov, Vice-rector for Educational Work and Implementation of Youth Programs at SFedU, made a welcoming speech:

"We are here to honor the memory of the victims! We are here so that this will never happen again! Today, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame at the Zmievskaya Balka Memorial Complex, you and I must understand that our country has suffered the greatest losses of the army and civilians. And our soldiers fought not only for the liberation of our country and Europe, but also against anti-human fascism, which divides people into "worthy" and "unworthy" to live."

The action was organized by the Department for Youth Policy of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov regional branch of the All-Russian public movement "Volunteers of Victory".

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