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Foreign students of the Southern Federal University took part in the production of Pushkin's fairy tale


A series of events dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin were held at the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the Southern Federal University.

On June 5, foreign students listened to the lecture "The Life and work of A. S. Pushkin", which was prepared and conducted by undergraduates of the 1st year of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies. After the lecture, the students answered the questions of the interactive quiz and took part in the linguistic and cultural game "Goldfish – 2024".  The most active participants received books with fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin as a gift. At the end, all participants were able to speak in the "Free Microphone" format and talk about their attitude to the Russian poet.

A participant from Guinea, Conde Yakuba:

 "When I return to my camp, I will definitely introduce my family and friends to Pushkin's poems. I think studying Pushkin's poems is very interesting and develops thinking and creativity."

On June 6, at the Boiling Point of the Southern Federal University, foreign students presented a performance based on "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".  The choice of the plot is not accidental: This is one of the most famous and beloved fairy tales written by Alexander Sergeevich. This is a story where there is a place for adventure, magic, love, and the victory of good over evil, which is why it is so interesting to people of all ages. And, of course, she could not help but unite the participants of the production from different countries. Students from Ecuador, Colombia, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Mauritania and China spent a whole month preparing for the performance: they studied poetry, rehearsed, made costumes and props to present a fabulous story.

He Rongnan, who played the role of Tsar Saltan, tells about his impression:

"I played the role of Tsar Saltan. I think it's a very touching story with an interesting plot, because it's about family and love. At the end of the story, everything ends with the reunion of the king with his wife and son, and the family plays an important role for a person."

Meissa Yussuf (guest of Tsar Saltan):

"Today I was honored because I was a participant in the fairy tale performance "Tsar Saltan ". In the play where I played one of the roles, it tells about good and evil and that a person can be betrayed by the people closest to him. Everything was very interesting. I thank all the teachers of our Department."

In the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" there are not only beautiful poems and simple rhymes, but also historical realities that foreigners encountered for the first time (for example, spinning wheels with thread, the royal tower, knights, merchants). In addition, a fairy tale is always a rich cultural material, understandable to all Russian speakers and unknown to foreigners, these are bright heroic images: the brave Prince Guidon, the beautiful Swan Princess, evil sisters, wise Chernomor. And learning a language is unthinkable without studying the context of the country's history and culture, so such events not only unite, but also encourage you to learn more about Russia.

For organizing and holding events, we would like to express special gratitude to the ideological inspirers and main organizers, Professor Oksana Shiryaeva-Shiring and teacher Olga Polovinkina, who prepared and conducted this holiday with great dedication and energy.

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