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Developing an Internationalization Strategy


From September 25 to September 28, the Erasmus + session on the project “Development of approaches to harmonization of a comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education, research and innovation at EU and Partner Countries" was held.

Elena Fedotova, Associate Director of the Internationalization & Strategy Department for Education and Science, and Polina Litvinova, Deputy Director in International Activities of SFedU School of Business, took part in the project session.

The event was organized at two universities of the city of Yerevan - the International University "Eurasia" and the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. Elena Fedotova presented the interim results on the development of an internationalization strategy of Southern Federal University ("Internationalization Strategy and Plan: SFedU case"), which positive dynamics were highly appreciated by colleagues from consortium universities (14 partners from England, Armenia, Belarus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Russia, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Armenia).

Work on attracting foreign students in the framework of the implementation of the recruitment strategy and the agreed plan with Rossotrudnichestvo has started. On September 29, Elena Fedotova and Polina Litvinova met with the head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan, Sergei Rybinsky, during which SFedU was presented as the leading Russian university, the competitive advantages of training students from Armenia; mechanisms for promoting the university in Armenia were coordinated.

Also, the delegation visited secondary school N 42 named after Taras Shevchenko. Polina Litvinova made a presentation of SFedU training programs. Eleonora Tumanyan, the head of the school, spoke about innovative forms of school preparation and perspective directions of development, and also discussed the cooperation with Southern Federal University.


