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Debate for the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome


SFedU Institute of History and International Relations held a public debate on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. Within two days, on 15 and 16 March, academic staff and students participated in discussions on European integration and the historical memory of Europe.

The organization of the debate was supported by the EU Delegation in Russia, the EU project "Public Diplomacy. EU and Russia" and the network of Jean Monnet NEMESIS "Memory and security in Europe and beyond"(a program to support research projects and scholars exploring the problems of modern Europe). The Ambassador of the European Union in Russia Vigaudas Ušackas, Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Gromyko and Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels Stephen Blokmans took part in the event.

For two days of work, guests, academics, students and journalists participated in the debate "Memory and Identity in Eastern Europe", in the presentation of the "Last Address" project and the round table "Ethnicity and Integration in Greater Europe". In addition, Stephen Blokmans held an open lecture in the Institute of History and International Relations "European Union in peace building process after WWII".