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SFedU in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities


According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, SFedU's international ranking leapt to 1st place in the South of Russia, 7th place in Russia, 40th in Eastern Europe and 750th in the world, confirming its position among top universities on the globe.

SFedU in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities

According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, SFedU’s international ranking leapt to 1st place in the South of Russia, 7th place in Russia (out of 445 universities), 40th in Eastern Europe (out of 100 universities) and 750th in the world (out of more than 20,000 universities), confirming its position among top universities on the globe.

Since 2004, the Ranking Web (or Webometrics Ranking) is published twice a year (data is collected during the first weeks of January and July for being public at the end of both months). The Ranking reflects, in the first place, the web presence and visibility of universities, and is also partly based on the Scimago Institutions Rankings reflecting the research capacities of universities.

As stated on the Webometrics website, their ranking is intended “to motivate both institutions and scholars to have a web presence that reflect accurately their activities. If the web performance of an institution is below the expected position according to their academic excellence, university authorities should reconsider their web policy, promoting substantial increases of the volume and quality of their electronic publications”.
The Webometrics ranking of SFedU has significantly improved over the recent period.

Date of the Webometrics report
SFedU Webometrics Ranking among world universities
SFedU Webometrics Ranking among Russian universities
January 2011
July 2011
January 2012