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SFedU 5th Anniversary Celebration


November 24, SFedU celebrated its 5th anniversary with a festive meeting of the Academic Council and a concert which took place in Rostov State Musical Theatre.

SFedU 5th Anniversary Celebration
November 24, SFedU celebrated its 5th anniversary with a festive meeting of the Academic Council and a concert which took place in Rostov State Musical Theatre.
The festive meeting of the Academic Council was opened with the speech of the Rector Vladislav Zakharevitch where he expressed his gratitude to all those teachers, students and staff whose efforts and determination have made the young university into a well-reputed educational establishment. He also emphasized that throughout its development SFedU has received considerable financial support from the government.
The Rector’s speech was followed by a lecture on SFedU history delivered by Prof. Georgy Gerasimov, and after that Vice-Governor of Rostov Region, Rostov City Mayor, and Head of the Regional Council of University Rectors gave their greeting addresses to Vladislav Zakharevitch.
The celebration ceremony was concluded with a festive glass of champagne and a medley concert made up of 16 short opera and ballet performances.