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Foreign students of the SFedU International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies got acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Victory Day


Every year, the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the Southern Federal University for Foreign Students at the Department of the Russian Language and General Education Disciplines hosts events dedicated to May 9.

On the eve of the 79th anniversary of the Victory, thematic excursions were organized to the iconic places of the Don region associated with the heroic resistance of our people to the Nazi plague. Thus, students from Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Turkmenistan visited Zmievskaya Balka, where the sad symbol of the war is located – a memorial to the victims of fascism. The teachers of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies told the children about the tragic history of the place, the creation of the monument, and the eternal flame, which serves as a reminder of the civilians of Rostov killed by the German fascists during the occupation of the city.

Manobanda Cuadros Bolivar Isaac (Ecuador)I shared my impressions:


"I had never been to this place and knew nothing about the monument and the war, but when the story was explained to us, I understood better what the creators of the memorial depicted.


I felt sad because so many people were victims of fascism.


After the tour, I learned much more about the history of Russia and about those tragic events."

Students from Turkmenistan took a sightseeing tour of festive Rostov-on-Don and visited the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore, the expositions of which tell, among other things, about the heroic pages of the liberation of the city from the Nazi invaders. The guys were most interested in military equipment.

And on May 8, Associate professor of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies Ekaterina Anatolyevna Pomigueva held an online regional studies lecture "Victory Day: no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten." She spoke about the main military battles that influenced the course of the war, the history and symbols of the holiday. Students learned about the tradition of holding a military parade on Red Square, the Victory salute and the St. George Ribbon campaign. Together with the regional information, foreign students learned new vocabulary and listened to songs of the war years.

In conclusion, everyone was able to ask interesting questions and talk about their emotions that arose during listening to the lecture.

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