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A student of the Novoshakhtinsky branch of the SFedU will take part in the final of the International Olympiad "IT Planet 2024"


Roman Legkov, a 2nd year student of the SFedU branch in Novoshakhtinsk, will take part in the final of the XV Anniversary International Olympiad in the field of information technology "IT Planet 2024", where he will fight for the championship in the 3D modeling +Al nomination.

More than 350 students and graduates of universities and colleges in Russia and other countries will take part in the final, which will be held in a face-to-face and distance format. The finalists will have to demonstrate their application programming skills on the GitVerse platform, the ability to work in the Astra Linux operating system and with the 1C: Enterprise platform, as well as perform tasks based on the RED OS operating system and in the Postgres Pro DBMS environment. The students will present their own educational courses created on the iSpring platform, projects based on the controller of the Russian educational software and hardware complex RUDIRON and robotic devices in a competition from ROBBO.

"The qualifying stages of the Olympiad required deep knowledge of theory and practice. The overall experience of the Olympiad is very positive. I am grateful to the teaching staff of the NSF SFedU, who supported me in preparing for each of the stages and the organizers for this opportunity to express themselves and their knowledge." In the final, I would like to present the Southern Federal University with dignity and communicate, share experiences with other participants," Roman Legkov, a student of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering branch of the South Federal University in Novoshakhtinsk, said.

The final of the competition will be held on the basis of the partner university of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov" in the IT park "Digital Arctic" in the period from May 23 to 27, 2024. The winners of the Olympiad will receive valuable prizes, diplomas and medals, the opportunity to complete an internship in leading Russian companies and/or find a job, to be included in the database of promising and talented IT specialists.

The IT Planet Olympiad is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The organizer of the competition is the Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for the Development of innovative Technologies "IT-Planet". The co-organizers are the Association of Software Developers "Domestic software" and the Association of Software Developers "RUSSOFT".

The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad invites teachers and students of our university to join the online broadcast of the final to support Roman's performance and take part in an educational program from specialists of leading Russian ICT companies and additional activities within the framework of the final.

You can register for the event by following the link .

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