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Foreign students of the SFedU got acquainted with the history of the Russian alphabet


On May 24, on the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, undergraduates and teachers of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the Southern Federal University held a round table "Az, buki, Vedi: riddles of the Russian alphabet" for foreign students.

Students from different countries (Turkmenistan, Ecuador, Mongolia, Syria, China, Congo) gathered together to get acquainted with the history of Slavic writing and culture, as this holiday unites all those who are interested in Slavic culture and the Russian language.

This event has become not only an educational, but also an exciting experience for all participants. Russian students, together with their mentors, prepared brief reports on when the history of Slavic writing began, who Cyril and Methodius were, what writing existed among the ancient Slavs in the pre-Christian era, what the term "Glagolitic" means, what stages of development the Russian language has gone through, as well as the most unusual letters of the Russian alphabet.

After the presentation of the speakers, a discussion was organized in which the participants were asked to answer questions about the role of writing for the development of the people, how writing and culture are connected.

Answering the questions, Chinese student Du Jingtao stressed that "the development of the nation is impossible without writing. Writing develops a nation... by using the history of the people recorded in writing, and by viewing history as a mirror, we will be able to create a glorious future for the development of our people."

And Ongambo Gester, a student from Congo, noted the importance of writing in many areas of life, especially in organizing and structuring society. The student also emphasizes that "written texts help to shape the cultural identity of the people and preserve their heritage."

The work of the round table was interesting and fruitful. As a result of the discussion, the participants of the round table concluded that writing plays a great role in the formation and development of Russian culture. The participants gained new knowledge and a desire to get to know the history and culture of Slavic writing more deeply.

Russian Literature and Culture Day is a holiday for those who respect the Russian language, Russian culture and traditions.

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