In 2022, Ulum Settar Jebbar graduated from the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the Southern Federal University with a master's degree in the program "International Studies: Languages. Cultures. Diplomacy (International Studies: Languages. Culture. Diplomacy)".
Students from various countries study in this field: Russia, China, Iraq, Indonesia, Pakistan and others. After graduation, young specialists can work in government organizations conducting international activities, business structures, consulates, etc.
"I chose this field of knowledge because it is an urgent area focused on the study of communication and interaction between representatives of different cultures," said Ulum Settar Jebbar.
The graduate found his vocation in the field of education, now he works as an English teacher at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University in the Administrative and Technical College. Ulem Settar Jebbar also stressed that he plans to further develop in science and education and get a degree.
"Studying at the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the SFedU helped me in communicating with my students, because children from different cities study here, and their cultural traditions and customs differ from mine. Understanding the principles of successful intercultural communication is especially important nowadays," said Ulum Settar Jebbar.
The speaker added that at the SFedU, considerable attention is paid to practice, gaining experience in international communication and learning foreign languages in all master's programs, such as "Translation Theory and Intercultural Communication", "Russian as a foreign language in the international educational space", "Spanish and English in the international educational space", "Cross-cultural communication, public relations and foreign languages in the aspect of the modern leadership paradigm."
Students of the Institute have the opportunity to participate in international conferences, international exchange programs, and in organizing events for foreign guests and students of SFedU. In the future, graduates of SFedU become international specialists, translators, teachers, engaged in tourism and advertising activities, where they can use the acquired "soft skills".
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