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International Friend Meeting — an opportunity to find friends


On Saturday, May 4, a traditional event was held at the Boiling Point of SFedU, bringing together Russian and foreign students of our university.

The International Friend Meeting is an opportunity to find friends of interest, create warm memories of student years, practice foreign languages, and for foreigners — improve their level of Russian.

At the beginning of the meeting, the students talked about pre-prepared topics and completed team building tasks in a limited amount of time.

Questions and tasks appeared on the screen in Russian and English.

During the meeting, the participants talked about personal and professional goals, shared childhood memories, discussed dreams, fears, hobbies, exchanged personal life stories and even sometimes argued over controversial issues.

After the completion of the official part of the event, the students began the long-awaited informal communication and coffee break.

One of the regular participants of the project shared his impressions: "An international dating evening is about mutual love. People are books. And as long as you see a group of strangers, these books are closed to you. If you talk to each person for even a few seconds, you will find out that, for example, he traveled three countries on a motorcycle or made a documentary about a shepherd. For you, this group of unfamiliar faces takes on new meanings. You can quickly read many different books in an hour."

Why do students love International Friend Meeting so much? This is a unique opportunity to find pleasant company in one evening, present yourself and at the same time learn more about students from all over the world. And the informal part with treats, music and dancing charges only with positive energy and allows you to relax even more and strengthen established friendships. And all this at the same time and in the same space!

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