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SFedU student took 3rd place in the final of the annual International festival "Road to Yalta"


Tiro Turnip, a 3rd year student of the Management Department at the Faculty of Management of the Southern Federal University, took part in the annual Road to Yalta festival.

In the first round of the festival finals, Tiro Tournip performed solo, and in the second – a duet with Sergeant Alexander Orlov with the song "We do not need to be pitied." Music: Valery Zubkov. Words: Semyon Gudzenko.

"The lyrics of the song have these words: "My parents are waiting!" And family is the most important thing for me! It's especially great that I sang this song with a real soldier, in fact, the hero of this composition," said Tiro Turnip.

Tiro has a very musical family, he started his vocal career at the age of three, and, as the student shared, his older sister is a vocal teacher, she always helps him prepare for performances.

Tiro came to Russian Rostov-on-Don from Indonesia, he speaks excellent Russian, actively participates in programs and projects of the Southern Federal University, as well as regional and federal projects, including the World Youth Festival 2024. In his spare time, Tiro teaches Russian to Indonesians and performs in various vocal competitions, he is also the winner of the SFedU Golden Voice 2022 competition and an active participant in student springs!

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