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Ekaterina Mikhailovna Zemlina 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 10854

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Research interests:

The innovative processes in education, the formation of students' readiness for professional activity, the interaction of vocational education with the labor market and social partners, continuous professional education, integration processes in education, modern problems of science and education, tutoring in education.

Research projects:

The formation of students' readiness for entrepreneurial activity in the educational space of the university

Technology tutoring



  • Module "Theoretical and methodological foundations of tutoring"
    The training module "Theoretical and methodological foundations of tutoring" refers to the compulsory part of the educational program B1.O.5 .. To study this training module, knowledge, skills and abilities are required that are formed by the previous modules (or FSES of basic general education / SPE): in accordance with with the curriculum and the schedule of the educational process module B1.O.5. "Theoretical and methodological foundations of tutoring" is the first, therefore knowledge, skills and abilities will be formed based on the results of mastering this module of the educational program. The module is in a logical, content-methodological, competence-based relationship with the subsequent modules of the program: B1.O.4 Designing the activities of a tutor in education; B1.B.1 Organization of tutor support for students; B1.B.2 Organization of tutor support for students. The purpose of the module. Formation and systematization of ideas about the fundamentals of the professional activity of a tutor, allowing to effectively carry out professional tutor activity; the formation of ideas about the role of tutoring in the processes of modernization of modern education, the creation of motivation for the development of new activities, the organization of self-determination of undergraduates regarding tutoring as a resource for the development of their own activities and the choice of direction for its change.
  • Adaptation discipline "Social communication and technologies of intellectual labor"
    The purpose of studying the discipline: the formation of students' ability to communicate for solving problems of interpersonal, intercultural interaction; the ability to self-organize, and self-education, including the use of information and communication technologies. The content of the course is represented by two modules: Module 1. Social communication Module 2. Technologies of intellectual labor
  • Social adaptation and communication in educational and professional activities
    The purpose of studying the discipline: the formation of students' ability to adapt to various life, professional conditions and the ability to build effective interpersonal interaction in educational and professional activities. The content of the discipline is presented in two modules: Module 1. Basics of social adaptation and legal knowledge. Module 2. Means of communication in educational and professional activities
  • Module "Tutor support in inclusive education"
    The training module "Tutor support in inclusive education" refers to the mandatory part of the educational program B1.O.6. The goals of mastering the module: formation of readiness to perform the functions of tutor support of a student in the conditions of a modern educational organization of various types. The content of the training module is presented in two parts - Part 1. The essence of tutor support for students in an inclusive educational organization; Part 2. Technologies of tutor support for students in inclusive education.
  • Psychological and pedagogical module
    The purpose of mastering the module: to create educational conditions for students to form psychological and pedagogical (general professional competencies) competence in the structure of undergraduate educational programs that train teachers for basic general and secondary education modern theories of training and education, a system of scientific ideas about the inclusive education of people with disabilities (HIA) and special educational needs.