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Daria Victorovna Pogontseva 

+7(929) 801-23-19

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Research interests: social and psychological features of formation of attitudes towards people with a different external appearance; the cultural and psychological, socio-psychological, ethno-cultural and gender characteristics of beautiful women and handsome men, representation of beauty. Features self-presentation in the Internet space.

Research projects:

Features of formation of attitude towards the other person, depending on the design of its exterior appearance.


  • Impression management psychology
    The objectives of the development of discipline: give an idea of the social and psychological foundations of the theory and practice of creating first impressions, mastering the skills of socio-psychological analysis of the mechanisms and methods of interaction between other people. Course objectives: 1. To familiarize professionals with the basic concepts associated with the first impression, and first impressions functions. 2. Show experts forming part of the first impression, and use for personal interaction in the work of the organizations. 3. To acquaint students with the basic theoretical models of formation of first impressions. 4. To teach professionals use basic socio-psychological patterns of communication, influence, forming the image of the organization of communications and events. the results of the development of the discipline requirements. Students who attended this course should have knowledge about the history of formation and development of theoretical positions, principles and methods of formation and management of the impression; on the main effects of the socio-psychological perception of others and forming impressions. The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies: The course is focused on theoretical and practical training on the application of acquired knowledge and skills in the following occupations psychologists: research and teaching, research and practical work (including organization).
  • Visual psychodiagnostics in clinical practice
    In order to study this discipline requires knowledge and skills generated by the preceding disciplines: philosophy, anthropology, introduction to psychology, general psychology, personality psychology, psychodiagnostics, social psychology, methodological foundations of psychology, etc. and, in turn, is the basis for many special courses, considering the individual problems of work in clinical psychology. The main objective of the development of the discipline "Visual psychodiagnostics in clinical psychology" is to form students' understanding of the subject visual psychodiagnostics in clinical psychology, about the phenomena and laws of expression, about the possibilities of understanding the person on the basis of its expression, on how to apply the knowledge gained in the practical the activities of a clinical psychologist, in the regulation of social behavior of the individual, communication and interaction. Tasks special course: 1.Raskryt specifics and peculiarities of visual psychodiagnostics as a socio - psychological phenomenon of social - psychological knowledge, show the complexity of its structure and ambiguity of relations with the internal, mental world of the individual. 2.Rassmotret relationship between the various components of human expression and determine their diagnostic, regulatory functions. 3. Heed attention to the history of the visual psychodiagnostics and its relationship to the development of various humanities and psychology itself. 4.Prodemonstrirovat significance of the revealed laws for understanding and solving psychological problems and for the development of applied and practical psychology.