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Oksana Sergeyevna Miroshnichenko 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 10025

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication


Southern Federal University


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Нistorical poetics, genre analysis, theory and history of Russian lyric poetry, 


  • • Basics of Philology: Introduction to Literature Studies
    The subject under consideration aims at introducing the students to the system of notions which create a complete idea of literature, its laws and functions, its relation to reality, its structure and the main forms and factors of its development. The given subject forms the framework of categories and concepts necessary for a literary scholar, sheds light on the specific character of literature as science and its subject matter. Moreover, students learn how to analyze and render the given literary work.
  • • Literary Theory
    The main objectives of the given discipline are as follows: • to communicate to students well-rounded understanding of fine literature, its esthetic nature, its relation to reality, its contents, form, structure, its purpose and development, its interaction with culture, society, history and various aspects of spiritual life; • to introduce the problems of contemporary literary theory, show its role in various types of literary, educational, cultural and pragmatic activities; • to get students interested into theoretical questions of literary studies, develop their desire and ability to scrutinize them in an independent and creative way; • to deepen, expand, classify knowledge about various structural concepts, basic elements and elements of a literary work, perfect skills and abilities to analyze and render literary works; • to foster the development of students historical view on literature and its main categories
  • • Practical Course on Lyrical Poetry
    The subject under consideration aims at giving the students of philological department systematic knowledge in prosody and lyrical study with their further mastering the specific skills in literary analysis and interpretation The discipline objectives are as follows: • to form systematic understanding of notions and terms within prosody; • to strengthen students understanding of poetry factors meaningful functions; • to introduce them to the main principles of lyrical poetry creation; • to form the idea of the specific character of literary works elements; • to develop the skill in analyzing literary works specific elements; • to teach them the ‘close reading technique; • to enable students to study the given literary work as a whole
  • • Methodology of the Russian Literary Studies
    The current discipline aims at forming well-rounded understanding of main stages and devices of knowledge expansion in aesthetic as well as theoretical and literary studies, it also gives an idea of the objective laws, historic models and methodological paradigms in the Russian Literary Studies of the 19th-21st centuries