Olga Nikolaevna Godovanaya
+7(863) 218-40-85
Senior lecturer
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication
Research interests:
Pedagogical psychology, psychology of teaching foreign languages
Research projects:
- "English for Specific Purposes", British Council, January - July, 2000.
- “RESPONSE”, British Council, 2003 - 2004
- “Modernization of the Process of Teaching English to a New Age Specialist (competence approach)”, SFedU, April 1 – December 25, 2008.
- “The University Staff’s English Language Proficiency Improvement", SFedU, 2007-2008.
A Foreign Language (English)
The course is intended for the first-and second-year postgraduates of the Departments of Humanities studying part time.
A Foreign Language (English)
The course is intended for the first-and second-year undergraduates of the Departments of Humanities studying full time.
A Foreign Language for Professional Communication
The course is intended for the third-and fourth-year undergraduates of the Departments of Humanities studying full time.