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Alexander Igorevich Noranovich 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12410

Scientific supervisor of the structural unit

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

The Structural Semantics


The Correlations of Climatic and Language Change 

Research projects:

The Early Epoch of the Development of the Pre-Historic Germanic


  • The History and Culture of Germany
    A course of History and Culture of Germany consists of 4 modules: 1) A Pre-history of the German, the lating authors about Germany and the Germans; 2) The Franc Empire and the consolidation of the german tribes. The arrival of the Holy Roman Empire of the Teutonic Nation. 3) The early Renaissance in Germany. The Luther Reformation and the religious wars. 4) The Thirty-year war in Germany and its influence in german states and european policy. Arraising of the absolutism.
  • The History of German Language
    A course of the History of German Language consists of 4 modules. 1) A High German consonant shift and formation of the German language. 2) The Old High German phonology. The morphological and sintactical structure of Old High German. The lexical innovations and influence of the lating language. 3) The Middle High German phonology. The morphological and sintactical structure. The loanwords in Middle High German. 4) The formation of the Early New High German. Luther's influence on the Early New High German. The phonological and structural archaismus in the Early New High German.
  • The German-Russian Translative Parallels
    A course of this lessions consists of 3 modules: 1) The common transformations in process of translation. 2) The lexical peculiarities of the translation from German into Russian. 3) The grammar peculiarities of the translation from German into Russian.
  • Gothic Language
    The course is intended for students, who study German and English Philology. It is aimed at studying the phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of the Gothic language.