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Liliya Vasilevna Goryunova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 21048

+7(909) 404-13-80

Head of the department

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences


Southern Federal University

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Research interests:

Current state and prospects of development of education and pedagogics. Quality of education. Teaching pedagogics, training, professional development. General theory of education and training. General theory of education. The organization and management in an education system. Continuous (permanent) education. Pedagogics of secondary professional education. Higher education. Pedagogics of higher education. Education of adults. Professional development. Self-education. Pedagogics of inclusive education

Research projects:

"Development of pedagogical education in the changing Russia" (2008); "Approbation of modules of the main professional educational program of a professional (pedagogical) magistracy within the integrated group of specialties "Education and Pedagogics" on the direction of preparation "Pedagogical education" (The teacher of the main general education" (2015); "Conducting computer testing of students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the new modules of the upgraded main professional educational programs of a bachelor degree or magistracy participating in projects on approbation in the form of qualification test in the form of the test of professional competences and a set of cases" (2015).


  • Theoretical pedagogics
    During studying of discipline students master the main stages of formation and the latest developments of pedagogics, will be acquainted with structure of world educational space, with various forms and the directions of modern pedagogical activity. The important place in lectures is allocated for the analysis of difficult pedagogical situations. This section of pedagogics will help future professional to learn actively, to use their educational and training potential, to put into practice modern pedagogical knowledge.
  • Practical pedagogics
    Content of discipline is focused on education of future teacher as subject professional activity, on stimulation of his need for pedagogical self-improvement, formation at students of professional and pedagogical positions. Progressive are the basis for creation of a subject practical pedagogics ideas and directions of modern pedagogics: competence-based approach, provisions it is personal the focused approach; ideas of integrity of pedagogical activity; humanistic ideas of pedagogical science; the directions of culturological approach in education; main conclusions of pedagogics relation.
  • Pedagogical technologies
    Studying of discipline will allow to create at students system of ideas of pedagogical technologies as areas of pedagogical knowledge, their application in educational process of the modern educational organization; to create at students system of scientific and methodical knowledge, abilities, skills in the sphere of designing of pedagogical technologies; to create at students bases of technological competence of future teachers.
  • Pedagogics of the higher school
    Students will be familiar with fundamentals of pedagogical science the higher school, will gain an impression about variety of pedagogical concepts in modern the world, about bases of technology of complete teaching and educational process and about problems education in Russia and abroad. Will master methods of stimulation of educational and informative activities of students, methods of the organization of cognitive activity of mastering scientific knowledge and to formation of skills, development of thinking and creative abilities, to development of dialektiko-materialistic outlook and moral and esthetic cultures.
  • Modern problems of science and education
    Formation of knowledge, skills, and also personal qualities of students, providing: understanding students of tendencies of development of modern science and educations, information technologies, perspective problems of scientific research in to education; adaptation and application of modern achievements of science and knowledge-intensive technologies when promoting scientific knowledge, updates of maintenance of subject matters in school and higher education institution; implementation of professional self-education and personal growth; formation of the common cultural and professional competences necessary for implementation pedagogical, research and cultural and educational activity
  • Methodology and technique of a pedagogical research
    Lectures of this discipline are oriented on mastering students knowledge and abilities of an explanation, understanding and interpretation information on an entity of pedagogical science, features and tendencies of development of methodology of science in general both pedagogics methodologies in particular and ability to realize the accumulated experience in the organization and carrying out scientific and pedagogical researches; on motivation of students to knowledge of formation of science and its fundamental and applied relevance; development of knowledge of methodological culture and cognitive activity of the researcher (scientist, teacher); a study of empirical and theoretical methods of a research on pedagogics, conditions of their use during the organization and carrying out the experimental and experimental operation; disclosure of a role and value of all components of the scientific device of dissertation researches on pedagogics; stimulation of need for independent research operation.
  • Theory and practice of inclusive education
    During studying of discipline at students complete representation sforirutsya about theoretical bases of an inklyuziya; they will master technologies of the organization of various forms training and education of children with disability and limited opportunities of health in inclusive obrazovatelnykhuchrezhdeniyakh; communicative competences, abilities will be created at students to interact with other people, including with limited opportunities of health and disabled people, their parents and other participants of educational process, proceeding from partnership and understanding need of team work.
  • Modern means of estimation of results of training.
    To acquaint students with methodological approaches and the leading tasks education quality managements, with the main directions of modernization of system estimates of quality of modern education

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