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Vladimir Efimovich Guterman 

+7(904) 500-10-50

Senior researcher

Faculty of Chemistry

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Personal page in Russian:
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Research interests:

Electrochemistry. Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuell Cells (PEMFC, DMFC). Lithium intercalation in metals , alloys, intermetallic compounds. Nucleation ang growth of new phase in geterogenious chemical and electrochemical reactions. Details - at the site 

Research projects:

Leadership in research projects:

1. “New approaches to the obtaining of high-performance catalysts: management by multi-level organization of materials; selection of efficient supports; search the optimum ratio of activity and stability; the development of methods for the research of fine structure of platinum-containing composites”, RSF grant No 16-19-10115 (2016-2018).

2. “Supported electrocatalysts with reduced platinum content: new approaches to the management of multi-level structure and new methods of evaluation” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 14-29-04041_OBR_i (2014-2016).

3. “Synthesis and study the degradation mechanism of Core-shell M@Pt/C based electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 14-03-91167 (Joint Russian-Chinese project) (2014-2015).

4. “Development of Pt catalysts for a reduced Pt loading (core-shell type or hollow type Pt catalyst) Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. (2012-2013).

5. “Preparation, core and surface state diagnosis of two- and three-metallic nanoparticles with not uniform components distribution” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 11-08-00499 a (2011-2013).

6. “Prediction of the specific catalytic activity and synthesis of high active Pt/C and PtMe/C nanocatalysts for low temperature fuel cells” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 08-08-0869a (2008-2010).

7. “Development and study of nanostructured electrocatalysts for low temperature fuel cells”, Grant of Russian Federal Program, Lot «2007-6-1.6-00-01-024» (State contract No 02.516.11.6005).

8. “Stochastic computer model and experimental research of incipient states of an electrochemical crystallization of new phase” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 01-03-33018a (2001-2003).

9. “Synthesis and investigation of metal-contained composite materials with reversible lithium intercalation” Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches No 01-03-32541, 2001-2003.

10. “Mathematical model of the heterogeneous solid-phase reaction”. Grant from Russian Foundation for Basic Researches, No 97-03-32618, 1997-1999.


  • New Materials for Electrochemical Power Sources
  • Electrochemical Methods of Investigation
  • Theoretical Electrochemistry
  • Basic chemistry
  • Electrocatalysis and electrocatalysts for Fuell Cells

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