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Marina Anatolevna Grankina 

Senior lecturer

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Teaching Russian as a foreign language, the role and place of slang vocabulary in the development of the Russian language by foreigners, toponyms and its role in the study of Russian as a foreign language.


Co-author of the following teaching aids:

1. "Introductory subject course on teaching the language of the specialty of foreign students. Chemistry and biological profile", 2015;

2. "Tourism: a textbook on the Russian language for foreign students", 2016, 2017 (reprinted);

3. "Architecture: a textbook on the Russian language for foreign students", 2017.


List of main publications:

1. Network jargon and its role in the acculturation of a foreigner / Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016.N 12 (66). - S. 175-178.

2. Russian anthroponyms and their role in the acculturation of Chinese students (on the example of comparative analysis) / Izvestiya SFedU. Philological sciences. Rostov-on-Don, 2019, N 1. - S. 208-211.


elibrary Author ID: 898906

Web of Science ResearcherID: ABB-5738-2020

SPIN (elibrary): 6717-8046


  • Russian as a foreign language
    Teaching Russian as a foreign language is a basic component of teaching foreigners at a Russian university. The discipline is studied at the initial, secondary, advanced and final stages of training, provides for the formation and development of the linguistic personality of students. At the initial and secondary stages of preparation, Russian as a foreign language is the main subject. Russian as a foreign language is studied by full-cycle students, trainees and graduate students, students of Russian language courses (in a group and individually).
  • Practical course of a foreign language
    The main goal of mastering the discipline is the formation of communication skills in oral and written forms in Russian for solving problems of interpersonal, intercultural and professional interaction. The course is intended for 2-4 year undergraduate students.
  • Foreign language for business communication
    The main goal of the course is to improve the knowledge of the Russian language, as well as business foreign language competence, teaching students the basics of business communication in oral and written form. The course is intended for 2nd year undergraduate students.