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Elena Leonidovna Grigorian 

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

theoretical issues of the science of language, syntactic semantics.


  • Introduction to the Science of Language
    The course lays the foundations for any linguistics-focused course; it introduces basic linguistic terminology, the fundamentals of comparative-historical method, the principles of etymologic analysis, the genealogical and typological (morphological) classifications of the world languages, the major principles underlying the language systems at phonetic, lexical, and grammatical level, the categories and phenomena related to respective levels, as well as the history of writing system, the major hypotheses about the origin of language and the current state of affairs.
  • General Science of Language
    The course introduces students to the framework of categories and concepts in theoretical linguistics as well as the central issues and major advances of the linguistic theory in the modern period; it provides a glimpse into the general pattern of world languages in terms of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics; introduces to linguistic pragmatics, linguistic contactology, and teaches to interpret linguistic material in the light of the theoretical data obtained.
  • Applied Linguistics and Speech Culture
    This is an introductory and awareness-raising course designed for first-year students. It gives a cursory glance at the major areas of practical application of linguistic knowledge. The course consists of a number of modules focused on formal methods in linguistics and their application, computer linguistics, lexicography and corpus linguistics, speech and communication behavior, etc. The course develops basic practical skills of solving linguistic tasks and applying the methods being learned. The module devoted to speech culture develops competence in making up and editing texts of various kinds (in Russian), the skills of oral presentations, advanced level of proficiency in Russian grammar, vocabulary, orthoepy, spelling and punctuation.
  • History of Science
    The course gives the skeleton outline of the paradigm shift in the history of linguistic science and is focused both on the analysis of the major conceptual ideas in the history of the science of language, and the key ideas in terms of their current relevance. The course teaches students to master the framework of categories and concepts, as well as individual techniques which have been used by various schools in the history of linguistic science; it involves the study of the authentic sources (both in Russian and in the foreign language being learnt) which date from different epochs, belong to different cultures, and were created by the schools of thought which employ differing terminology.
  • The Japanese Language
    The course gives a glimpse of phonetic and phonological systems of the language, its basic grammar, as well as its stylistic stratification; it teaches the basic vocabulary (both active and passive), basic conversational skills, three systems of writing ; katakana, hiragana and (basic) hieroglyphs, as well as speaking etiquette rules. The course develops the skills of using dictionaries of hieroglyphs and doing translation (within the course curriculum) from Russian into Japanese and from Japanese into Russian.