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Alexey Sergeevich Kolomiytsev 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30105

+7(863) 437-17-67

+7(863) 437-19-40

Head of the department

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Focused ion beams,

Electron-beam lithography,

Interaction between ions and solids,

Nanostructures diagnostics and analysis,

micro- and nanoelectronics technology,

FIB-induced deposition,

Nanoprototyping and nanolithography.

Research projects:

Development of deep X-ray lithography masks technology.

Development of interactive remote access multifunctional complex for the students to study nanomaterials.

Research and development of technological procedures for the production of elements of micro-and nano-electronic technology based on the use of ultra-high vacuum technology automated cluster-type platform.

The development of technological bases of submicron surface profiling using focused ion beams to create micro- and nanostructures.

Studying the Resolving Power of Nanosized Profiling Using Focused Ion Beams.

Memristor Effect on Bundles of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Tested by Scanning Tunnel Microscopy.

Probe modification for scanning probe microscopy by the focused ion beam method.

Formation of Nanosize Structures on a Silicon Substrate by Method of Focused Ion Beams.

Development of physical and technological principles for the fabrication of probes with controlled geometry for near-field optical microscopy


  • Methods of analysis and testing of nanstructured materials and systems
    Basics of Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Interaction of electrons with silids. Thermoemission guns and field-emission guns in SEM and TEM. Electron detectors in SEM and TEM. Basics of Electron beam X-ray microanalysis. Secondary ion mass spectrometry. Focused ion beam technology. X-ray spectrometry. Auger spectroscopy.
  • Micro ; and nanofabrication technology
    Course (module) aims: to form universal, general professional and professional competencies related to the development, research and analysis of modern technological processes for the manufacturing of nanostructured materials, systems and structures for micro- and nanoelectronics, microelectromechanics, sensorics and nanosystem technology; to meet the needs of individuals for intellectual, cultural and moral development; to meet the needs of society for qualified specialists in the field of micro- and nanosystems technology.
  • Electron- and ion beam technologies
    Methods of fabricacion, testing and analisys of nanostructures using ion beam and electron beam nanotechnologies. Theory and applications
  • Introduction to project activities
    Studying the basics of engineering projects development and management of their implementation
  • Interdisciplinary project
    Practice in Research and Development of nanostructures, micro- and nanoelectronics devices, MEMS and NEMS

Download CV (pdf)