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Anzhelika Sergeevna Boutousova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Pragmatics, grammar, translation, intercultural communicatin

Research projects:

The work is currently under way on the project „Oral translation: theory, practice and tezching methods“. The part of the project was presented in a form of training for 2-year students – „Teaching shushutazh (simultaneous translation): theory and practice“, wich was realized from November, 2015 till May, 2016. The additional sphere of the project’s realization is the guidance of programmes of the professional retraining, accomplished by the educational centre „Interpretation school“, founded (2012) and directed by now by Anzhelika Butusova.

Scientific part of the project is realized in scientific, scientific-tutorial publications and in the activity of Student Scientific association “Translatology: theory, practice and history”.



  • Principles of intercultural communication
    Teaching of the discipline is based on combination of theory and practice. Within the lecture course students learn the history of origin and development of the intercultural communication, major categories and problems. During seminars theoretical information (content) is learnt by doing oral speaches in foreign (German) language).
  • Practice of the German language (German practice)
    “Practice of the main German language" is professionally oriented and has communicative character, that effectively agrees with the specific character of studying foreign language as a discipline, which distinguishes by interdisciplinarity (the discourse of the act of the communication may include information from different spheres of knowledge); multilevelness (from the one side, it is necessary to acquire various language means, correlated with different language aspects, from the other side, it is important to acquire four types of communication); multifunctionality (it can be the aim of the education and the method of gaining information in different spheres of knowledge).
  • The second foreign language (German)
    The teaching of German as the second foreign language starts from scratch and by the end of the educational program (by the 8th semester) reaches level B1/B2. There is a combination of phonetics, grammar, audition, reading original literature, translation, speaking and writing within the educational course. During the educational process authors plans and Russian and foreign tutorials are used.
  • Guide practice
    Guide practice includes a small lecture course, regarded to the principles of excursions, project tasks and questions to them; excursion to the Rostov Region Museum of Ethnography, the Museum of Fine Arts (westeuropean arts expositions), individual abstractive translation into the German language and realization of the excursion independently. Apart from excursions to museums the plan of the practice includes the foot excursion in the city, carried out by students. The language and guidance skills are examined all together.
  • Theoritical grammatics of the German language
    The studying of the discipline is well included into the structure of the educational program on the basis of the continuity principle, which is based on the available knowledge and makes the foundation for acquiring the following ones. The introductory part of the discipline, regarded to the history of development of theoretical grammatics of the German language and is connected with the course of the Introduction to Linguistics on the basis of “from particulars to generals"