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Anna Alexandrovna Motozhanets 

+7(908) 510-98-16

Associate Professor

International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Communicative grammar

Grammar of Text

Translation theory

Pragmatic approach in linguistics

Research projects:

Intentionality of grammatical units in fictional discourse

Functional potential of tense-aspect forms of the english verb in fictional discourse

Audiovisual environment of urban space


  • Translation theory and practice
    Translation methods and techniques; pragmatic aspects of English-Russian/Russian-English translation; linguistic review of translated texts.
  • Practice of the English language
    Enhancing basic English language skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening; shaping basic communicative skills and cultural awareness.
  • Business English
    English language for oral and written business communication
  • Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes
    The discipline "Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes" is intended for students studying German / English as a major. The purpose of this discipline is further development of professional and pedagogical competence of a foreign language teacher. Objectives of the discipline: - to develop a scientifically based understanding of how to structure the process of teaching a foreign language as the language of professional communication; - to create conditions for the formation and further development of skills and abilities, to put into practice methods, techniques, means and ways of teaching a foreign language effectively; - to prepare students for teaching practice in an educational institution.