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Andrey Aleksandrovich Bychkov 

+7(863) 243-48-11

Associate Professor

Institute of Advanced Technology and Piezotechnics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Mechanics of solids, nanomechanics, informatics, innovations.

Research projects:

The Russian Federal Property Fund grant N 04-01-96809-р2004юг_а Dislocation and twinning micromechanisms of plastic strain at concentrators of a voltage and the signals of an acoustic emission related to them.
The Russian Federal Property Fund grant N 07-01-00050-а Examination of evolution of flaws in crystalline and amorphous materials a method of mathematical modelling and the analysis, the signals of an acoustic emission related to them.
The federal grant N 2009-1.1-225-011-008 Examination and working out of high technologies of processing of raw food resources without waste on the basis of information modelling and optimisation ecologically safe processing manufactures.



  • The analysis of innovative systems
    Development of technologies of the analysis and synthesis of the high technology systems, development of practical skills of the appendix of instrumental computer resorts of mathematical modelling of the innovative processes necessary for embodying of professional problems of guidance by innovations.
  • Theoretical innovation
    To master the conceptual kettle theoretical innovation, to study methods and resorts of bottoms of working out and guidance of innovative designs; to promote formation and development of universal competences the student of a bachelor degree; to provide the student with necessary toolkit from field theoretical инноватики, for formation of individual educational routes and self-maintained educational activity in information-educational medium
  • Mechanics and technologies
    Basic purpose of studied discipline is reception by students of fundamental knowledge, skills on the theoretical and applied mechanics with reference to the system analysis and guidance of scientific and technical examinations, the high technology technological processes and manufactures and innovative technologies of training.
  • Technologies of computer modelling
    Reception by students of the basic scientifically-practical knowledge in the field of the applied packages of mathematical modelling necessary for the solution of problems of maintenance of the analysis and mathematical modelling of the difficult systems. To provide the student with necessary toolkit from field of computer modelling.
  • Computer science
    Development of substantive provisions and problems of computer science, tendencies of its development, principles of build-up of information models, applications of the up-to-date theoretical and applied sections of discipline to computer technologies. Acquaintance to technologies of processing of databases and use of information systems. Mastering by the basic receptions of vocational training of documents, including electronic.
  • Methods and means of statistical data processing
    The purpose of studying the discipline "Methods and means of statistical data processing" is to form students ' knowledge about the methods of statistical analysis, mastering the methods and practical skills of their application in the implementation of the tasks of science-intensive and innovative activities.

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