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Days of Uzbek culture opened in SFedU


On March 29, the SFedU Zonal Library in the name of  Yu. A. Zhdanov hosted the opening ceremony of the Days of Uzbek Culture in the SFedU.

This is another event of the project "Ethnocultural Code of the Southern Federal University". Within the framework of the Days of Uzbek Culture, the Southern Federal University organized a number of scientific, cultural and educational events aimed at strengthening interethnic friendship and cultural ties of the peoples living on the Don, as well as a gastronomic master class on cooking real Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron.

Among the guests of honor at the opening ceremony were: Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Gurba, Chairman of the Uzbek National Cultural Center "AZIZ" Kiyomkhon Boboev, President of the RSEU (RINH), Co-Chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Rostov region Adam Albekov, Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Rostov region, Mufti Muhammad Bikmaev, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region Ekaterina Stenyakina and others.

The Rector of the Southern Federal University Inna Shevchenko noted that the fourth stage of the large-scale project "The Ethnocultural Code of the Southern Federal University" is already being held in SFU, each of which has its own audience and performs its own special role. It is important for the university that the project continues, opening up new interesting knowledge about every nation living on the Don.

Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Gurba said that he lived and studied in Tashkent for more than a year and since then has kept in his soul warm memories of this time, about cultural traditions, historical ancient mysterious monuments of Uzbekistan and much more.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region Ekaterina Stenyakina thanked the SFedU and representatives of the Uzbek diaspora for the invitation to the event.

Mikhail German, Head of the Department for Interethnic Relations of the Department of Socio-Political Communications of the Government of the Russian Federation, said in his speech that the government of the region is doing a lot of work to support the national communities and clergy of the peoples living on the Don.

Adam Albekov, President of the RSEU (RINH), Co – Chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Rostov region, stressed that Russia and Uzbekistan are two countries whose history is inextricably linked. And after the collapse of the USSR, Uzbekistan was one of the first to sign documents on diplomatic relations with Russia. Today, our countries are implementing joint projects in the fields of industry, nuclear energy, education and science.

The opening ceremony of the Days of Uzbek Culture in SFedU was prepared by the joint efforts of students and staff of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of SFedU, as well as representatives of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization of the Uzbek National Cultural Center "AZIZ".

Chairman of the Uzbek National Cultural Center "AZIZ" Kiyomkhon Boboev thanked all the participants and guests of the event, and also presented a welcome address from the Consul of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Rostov-on-Don Rustam Kurganbayev.

Within the framework of the event, an exhibition of objects of Uzbek folk art and Uzbek folk culture was organized. SFedU students presented a musical and literary installation dedicated to the works of Uzbek poets Navoi and Firdousi.

Within the framework of the Days of Uzbek Culture, a scientific and practical conference was held with the participation of students of SFedU and universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as a presentation of the activities of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of the Uzbek National Cultural Center "AZIZ".

And according to the established tradition, the Southern Federal University signed a cooperation agreement with the ANO UNCC "AZIZ".

The cultural program is presented by creative national collectives.

And, of course, what a holiday without traditional Uzbek pilaf. Guests of the ceremony were able to take part in a master class on cooking and tasting traditional Uzbek pilaf in the cauldron. In the courtyard of the Zonal Library, a huge cauldron was installed, and the cook revealed to the guests several secrets during cooking, which ingredients make this national dish so delicious. Everyone could enjoy a real Uzbek pilaf, tasting a fragrant dish.

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